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An Invisible Enemy

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2020

The world is an interesting place right now because of the Coronavirus. 

We are battling an invisible enemy that we can't see.  

I think we should be taking the proper precautions such as washing our hands, etc but our most powerful weapon against an invisible enemy is faith. 

Just like computers have firewalls that block viruses God has built firewalls for protection in your body. In Zechariah 2:5 God promises that he will be a firewall for his people. 

The first firewall is faith - faith is your first hedge of protection. Two of the greatest expressions of faith are prayer and gratitude. Praying in gratitude is one of your greatest weapons. At this time we should also be praying for our leaders and governing authorities. Pray that God would give them wisdom for how to handle this situation. We should also be submitted to our leaders so that we make their jobs easier. 

The second firewall is peace - the Bible says let peace be the umpire. I don't have research on this but I believe peace blocks viruses from coming into your cells and will actually clean out anything that shouldn't be in your cells. In the Bible salt and peace are also connected. Salt has been shown to block viruses and bad bacteria from entering your cells. Make sure your water and salt levels are balanced. 50-70 ounces of water per day and salt all your cooked food to taste. Stress isn't good for your health. If you have a lot of stress right now use a journal before bed to get those emotions out of you. 

The third firewall is humility - This experience has highlighted how connected everything is, and how hard it is take tackle every angle on your own. Romans 8:11 says that you have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead living in you but 2 Corinthians 4:7 says we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God. We must have the faith and humility that God's power can work through us, because of Jesus and not our own doing because we can never address every angle on our own. 

The fourth firewall is trust and rhythm - the cells in your body all move to a rhythm and for viruses to access your cells they must break your rhythm. Trust and timing are very connected. When you are in rhythm with God it creates a fourth firewall. Many people have schedules that are out of their normal rhythm right now. If this is the case then find a song you like and put it on repeat for 20-30 minutes. This will build rhythm into your body in a short time. 

The final key is love - When you have faith and peace it allows you to take your eyes off of yourself, which makes you more present and have more compassion and love for others. Faith works through love. 

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