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Angels Ministered to Jesus

Uncategorized Oct 02, 2022

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This is a time of year when there is often a lot of pressure. We are getting close to the Day of Atonement(Oct 4-5), which is like the major deadline for the year. There were times in the Bible when Jesus was under a lot of pressure such as his temptations in the wilderness and in the garden before going to the cross. In these times angels came and ministered/strengthened him. 

The other day I had a busy pressure filled day and I didn't record a communion video that day because, other stuff kept coming up. I was getting ready to try to record a video, but I felt like God wanted me to have a personal time of communion with him. In that time, he began to show me that even Jesus needed to be ministered to. Hebrews 1:14 says "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"

Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God sends us his angels to minister to us. And we are asking him to send his angels to minister to us and strengthen us. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Today is Day 7 of the Daniel Fast. When we reach the 10th day which is the Day of Atonement, I do a total fast with no food or water. This year the total fast will start on the evening of Oct 4th and go through the evening of Oct 5th. If you plan to do the total fast, then make sure to hydrate well beforehand and most importantly roll the pressure of it onto God. Rely on him to sustain you. 

Download the Guide for the Daniel Fast

 I am praying for you.


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