Here is today's communion meditation.
Our message for this year of 2023 is "God Saved the Best Until Now."
And our message for August is, " The Best Never Expires."
Luke 6:27-28 MSG says, "“To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the supple moves of prayer for that person. If someone slaps you in the face, stand there and take it. If someone grabs your shirt, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it. If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more payback. Live generously."
Part of walking in God's best is learning to walk in love all the time, even when people push our buttons or do something unfair. This is supposed to bring out the best in us. We can do this because we trust that God will take of us, which frees us to live generously and walk in love all the time.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us walk in love all the time so that it brings out the best in us and we live generously.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
Make sure to bring your best in your workouts. This causes us to be more present, which accelerates results.
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