The other day I was reading in Nehemiah about the people repairing the walls of Jerusalem. One of their goals was to close all of the gaps, because walls are for protection. Walls keep things out that are not supposed to be coming in. One small gap, can lead to ripple effects, which can lead to bigger cycles of things. Which is why it's important to close gaps in our lives. But, this is really hard to do on our own.
While thinking about this Isaiah 60:18 came to mind. It says, "No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise."
In the original Hebrew language the word for salvation is "Yeshuah."
Yeshuah is the name of Jesus in Hebrew and it means... Salvation, deliverance, prosperity, security, and victory.
So the verse could be read like this... You will call your walls Jesus and your gates Praise.
When Jesus is our wall there is no gap to close. We are complete in him.
As we take communion today let it be a time to magnify and receive Jesus as our walls, he closes all the gaps in our lives.
I am praying for you.
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