Happy New Year!
Here is today's communion meditation.
As we get started with 2022, we are going to start combining the spiritual and the physical on a new level. One of the reasons why communion is so powerful is because it combines spiritual principles, mixed with faith, and something physical that we do in the taking of the bread and juice. It unites us spirit, soul, and body.
In our daily communion meditations, we are going to start taking the physical part of this to a new level with a daily workout that goes along with the communion meditations. But before I give you the workouts a little context is needed.
I view physical exercise as a physical expression of exercising our faith. And I have found that exercise is one of the best ways to practice applying our faith. God has given us a pipeline of living water on the inside of us that contains everything he has, but we must learn how to activate this and see it flowing in our lives, and physical exercises is one of the best ways to learn because it gives us instant feedback.
As we practice applying our faith into physical exercise it will teach us how to see his grace flowing, and once we know this it can be applied into any other area of life.
A Different Way to Workout
Here is the approach we are going to be taking with the Daily Communion Workouts...
The workouts are between 10-25 minutes long depending on your fitness level and you can get started with no equipment. As you progress you will need a little equipment... I use a barbell with some plates, but dumbbells or bands could also be used.
The goal of the workout is to connect with God and practice seeing his grace flowing through us. The goal is NOT to get healthier, leaner, gain muscle, get fitter, etc... these are merely great side effects that happen along the way. Think of this like daily practice.
To see grace flowing requires a different approach and the one rule I want you remember is... Make it Beautiful.
When grace is flowing it beautifies, therefore focusing on making every rep of every exercise beautiful is the shortcut to seeing his grace flow.
The world has taught us that a good workout leaves us lying on the floor puking, but this is not a beautiful workout.
The first key to a beautiful workout is taking your effort out of the equation and relying on God's strength, not your own.
A beautiful workout is one that has beautiful technique, with your movement and breathing coordinated, presence and joy, with the strain removed, totally under control and plenty of margin left in the tank. The goal is to build your capacity to be able to do more and more while still being beautiful. When you do your exercise beautifully it feels like your body starts to radiate and you could do the whole workout again if needed.
When we take this beautiful approach exercise becomes something to look forward to and something we can do every day.
I will be sending you the workouts very soon, but as a way to get started today pick one exercise that you know you can do safely and let's do one beautiful set on that exercise. If you already have a workout you are doing focus on making it a beautiful workout today.
I am praying for you.
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