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Communication Skills

Uncategorized Aug 26, 2022

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This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.

So far, we have worked on bringing a new level of awe and presence to our time of connecting with God, connecting spirit, soul, and body, and connecting for our loved ones. 

This week we are focusing on connecting with our community. 

One of the keys to effectively connecting with our community is developing our communication skills. Communication involves reading, writing, speaking, listening(probably the most important), and body language. Also, how we communicate is just as or more important than what is said. 

One of the best ways I have found to develop communication skills is scribing and reading out loud from the Bible. Hand copying a paragraph or two of scripture every day helps us become better writers and thinkers. And it is ancient Jewish wisdom that the best way to become a better speaker is to read out loud from the Bible. It is also important that we pay attention to our tone and always season our words with grace. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us grow in our communication skills so that we can better connect with our community. 


Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Recently I was moving some dumbbells from the gym to a truck. That day was a very busy day and I wasn't able to do my normal workout. But I carried heavy dumbbells back and forth several times... also called farmers walks. The next day my body felt very refreshed, and I had a great workout that day. So something I have started doing, is once in a while to do a bunch of farmers walks for my workout. Pick up medium to heavier weights and walk around with them for a while. This seems to have a refreshing effect on the body. 

I am praying for you.


P.S. It's not too late to join us in the Connection Challenge.

Register for the Connection Challenge here.

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