This month our challenge is to connect on a new level... With God, our purpose, our loved ones, and community.
This week we are prioritizing connecting with God.
In every opportunity for connection, we are either trying to connect or we are trying to get away. We have all probably had those times when someone is trying to connect with us, but we want to be doing something else, or our mind drifts, and we pretend to be listening even though we aren't present. We are there physically but we are really in another world. We aren't really connecting, because we are trying to get away.
Busy schedules, distractions, fear, insecurities, and all kinds of other things keep us from connecting because we want to get away.
This week our challenge is to connect with God on a new level. Here is a way to practice connecting this week...
While reading the Bible, praying, listening for God, and connecting with him pay attention to any times you feel like you are trying to get away. As an example, I have had times when I sped through my Bible reading or prayers in order to check them off the list for the day rather than for truly connecting with God. Part of creating a deeper connection with God is approaching him with deep honor and reverence. Each day take a moment to think about who God really is before reading the Bible, prayer, etc and bring a sense of awe into your connection with him each day.
In today's communion we are thanking God for his help in connecting with him on a new level. And we are asking him for help to identify all of the ways we are trying to get away from and avoid connection. We are also asking for his help to bring a greater level of awe to our connection with him,
Today's Health/Fitness Tip
We can do our workouts with the goal of getting it over with or checking the box to say we did it. But the goal is to connect with God and experience him doing the work. This means being more present with him in the workout. When the workout is done this way, it is so much more enjoyable, and it produces better results.
I am praying for you.
P.S. It's not too late to join us in the Connection Challenge.
Register for the Connection Challenge here.
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