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Debt vs Equity

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2022

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Here is today's communion meditation. 

Recently I have been thinking about debt vs equity. In business it is often said that there are two ways to finance growth... debt or equity. To finance growth through equity is to have partners or shareholders who buy into the business. Through the years of studying business, I have found several successful people who prefer to partner and give away equity even when they don't have to, because they know it creates more value. When we partner with others it gives us access to their resources, knowledge, network, and so much more. Therefore, it opens up so many more opportunities to grow. 

I have been thinking about how God did this for us. Because of sin we owed him a debt, but he turned the tables and gave us the opportunity to partner with him in the family business. He didn't need partners, but he wanted them, and in this partnership, we have access to everything he has. 

The other thing about partnership and equity is that it is good both today and in the future. When partnering in a business it frees up your cash flow today from not having to make debt payments while creating more value in the long run. 

Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God turned the tables for us in Christ and has given us the opportunity to partner with him. 

Today's Workout Tip

This lesson on debt vs equity also applies to our health and fitness. God has shown me that our bodies work like a business or organization, because it is a representation of the body of Christ. The way most people workout is by going into debt. They work very hard and try to beat their body down so that it will recover and come back stronger. In cardio the word oxygen debt is even used, meaning that you get so out of breath that your body has an oxygen debt that needs to be repaid.

But there is a better way... partnering with God in your workout. If you focus on executing your workouts with God as your partner he will supply his strength, energy, and endurance so you don't have to exhaust yours and go into debt. And when you do it this way it is good for today and for tomorrow. You can exercise every single day when it is done in partnership with him. 

Partnering With Us

My goal with the Abundant Life Blueprint has been to take the principles God has shown me and build them into the program. Recently I recorded a new video that gives an overview of everything we are doing and how to partner with us. The video is still a little long and I am working to cut it down, but it can be found with the link below. 

Watch the Partnership Video Here

I am praying for you. 


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