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Emotions and Health

Uncategorized Feb 24, 2023

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Here is this week's Yearly Cycle update.

It seems like this time of year God always reminds me of the importance of emotions when it comes to our health.  

Emotions are the translators between our spirit and physical body. I like to think of emotions as powder in the bottom of a glass: They can be stirred up. Emotions can be felt when they are stirred into the system and are meant to give us feedback so that we can make adjustments.

Any time we are in a negative emotional state, such as stress, worry, fear, anger, or insecurity, we can use this as a cue to make adjustments. When we view emotions from this perspective, they are not good or bad. They’re simply feedback, allowing us to accelerate our progress by making adjustments.

Emotions must be processed and cleared out of the system. The longer emotions circulate, the more they become a part of us. For example, we could start with a little worry or stress and allow it to stay in our system for days, weeks, months, or even years, and then it eventually becomes a habit.

It's good to evaluate our emotions before going to bed and to clear any unwanted emotions out of our system. This can be done through journaling, exercising, or some other method. This is one of the greatest ways to boost the immune system and get sick less often (or hopefully never). I am convinced that germs don’t make us sick. We are exposed to germs all the time. Take a look back at the last time you were sick, and I can almost guarantee that you were in some kind of negative emotional state a few days before you were sick. These states lower our immune system, making us susceptible to the germs. 

Positive emotions can be stirred up on purpose on a daily basis. We can stir in gratitude, joy, peace, faith, humility, and love each day, and eventually it will become our automatic emotional state..

With emotions, the table-turner, or the one thing that really matters, is the imagination. The imagination combines the beliefs in our heart, thoughts, and emotions into one video loop. If we are struggling in an area of life, there is almost always a negative video loop in our minds in that area. In order to have success in our emotions, the fast track is to begin reprogramming the imagination. This can be done in just a few minutes per day by visualizing and imagining— but the image must be so strong on the inside that it generates feelings of peace and joy. If it doesn’t generate strong emotions, it won’t work. If there is an area that has been struggling for a long time, it can take some time to generate a strong positive image in that area. Keep practicing and the tables will turn.

Here is our filter for this week... Emotions.

I am praying for you. 


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