We are in a time where fear and stress are swirling.
Emotions are contagious. They can easily be passed from one person to another, but there is good news to this. The Bible says that we can stir ourselves up. You can get to the point where you can be the one passing positive emotions to others, which also makes you immune to the negatives.
Right now it is very important to stir yourself up every day. Stir up your faith, peace, trust, joy, courage, and love. If you stir these up strong enough your positive emotions will become contagious and rub off on others.
If negative emotions start spinning in your system change what you are focused on. Emotions can change in an instant by changing your focus. Instead of focusing on the problem focus on how big God is. Fix your eyes on him.
The other big key to emotions is your imagination. If your mind starts playing negative videos you must cast them down and replace them.
Here are some practical ways to stir yourself up...
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