Lately I have been pondering 1 John 1:7. It says " If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus purifies us from all sins."
Recently I have been going for walks with God and he has been bringing to life scriptures about walking. When you go for walks with God, who is light, it seems to lead to better fellowship with people. It has increased my prayers for others and my feeling of connection with others.
Another way of thinking about walking in the light is walking in total transparency with nothing hidden. As you do this it also increases your fellowship and connection with others.
The other thing about this verse is walking in the light purifies us. Galatians says that if we will walk in the spirit then we will not satisfy the desires of the flesh.
The key takeaways for today...
Go for consistent walks with God. ( Set an appointment time)
It will lead to better fellowship and relationships. And it will purify you which will lead to better transparency.
What's New
Next week in the Abundant Life Blueprint there will be live training on Building Healthy Families.
Yearly Cycle Update
Monday March 9 starts Purim, which is a Yearly Reminder that God can turn the tables quickly on bad situations.
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