Here is today's communion meditation.
We have been discussing how God has anointed us to do good. He has equipped each of us with gifts and talents but sometimes the things he has anointed us to do seem impossible because we are looking at what we can do in our own strength instead of what God can do through us. This is where it takes trust to simply "Go," because we trust that he is with us. Last night while reading Hebrews 11 I saw it in a new way. The chapter starts with Now faith is confidence. At a very simple level faith is confidence in God and without faith(confidence in him) it is impossible to please him.
In Exodus 4 is the story of God telling Moses to go lead his people out. Moses had been set apart from birth for this assignment but now when it is time to go Moses starts making excuses for why he can't go. He says he is not eloquent and he is slow of speech. But then God says the following...Go and I will help you speak and teach you what to do.
Moses still doesn't want to go and God gets angry with him. Why does God get angry? Because Moses is not in faith(confidence in God), and faith pleases God.
What is the thing God has been stirring inside of you to do? At the highest level he simply wants us to GO and have confidence that he will show us what to do and equip us with the skills needed. We can do this trusting that he is with us and nothing is impossible with him.
As we take communion today there is one more section of Exodus 4 that reminds us of the importance of covenants with God. As Moses is on his way to Egypt there is what I think is one of the weirdest scriptures in the Bible. Moses was staying at a lodging place for the night and the Bible says God was going to kill him, but his wife circumcised their son and then God left Moses alone. Circumcision was the terms of the covenant God had made with Abraham. All of the male children were supposed to be circumcised, but Moses had not kept the covenant. We have been given the New Covenant and it is a covenant of love. The terms of this covenant are to love and give other people the same love and grace God has given us. As we Go, make sure to keep the covenant of love.
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