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He Wouldn't Even Look Up

Uncategorized Mar 10, 2025

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Good morning!

Today is Memorial Monday - The Financial Accelerator. (You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)

Mondays are a reminder that a Memorial Portion, just one very small step of faith, can help you remember that God is with you and He's more than enough. One small step of faith can open up a supernatural flow of whatever you need. 

When Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves, it started with just a little bit of bread and fish. 

When the widow woman was down to her last meal Elijah had her make him a small cake first. 

If finances are tight... Give a few dollars.

If a relationship is strained... Do one small kind act for the person. 

If you are pressed for time... Give away a few minutes to someone else.

If something looks overwhelming take one small step in that direction. 

Here is today's communion meditation.

 This year our message for the year is, "Lift Up Your Eyes to True North."

And the other day we talked about the parable in Luke 18 where one of the religious leaders was puffed up with self-righteousness, which caused him to look down on others. 

But Jesus said there was another man who, "was a tax collector and stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, ‘God, have mercy on me, a sinner.’

The tax collector wasn't willing to lift up his eyes because he knew he was a sinner. 

And Jesus said this man went away justified.

But I think there is a balance here, because the Bible does say we should be lifting up our eyes to look for God's help.

Looking at our own righteousness could cause us to look down upon others or to look down because of our sins. 

But, we can lift our eyes to look to God because of the righteousness of Jesus rather than our own. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us give a memorial portion that is pleasing to him, and to understand our righteousness in Christ. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

The first thing you put in your mouth every day impacts your brain chemistry for the rest of the day, and I think the first thing should be water. 

I am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and nothing is impossible for him. 

P.P.S. You can contribute a Financial Memorial Portion here. 

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