One of the concepts in the Abundant Life Blueprint is that health and time are balancing areas of life. What we do with our time impacts our health and vice versa. In fact, I don't think of these as two different areas of life. To me they are one thing, that is inseparable.
Through the years of training clients in the gym the biggest thing I noticed was that time was the biggest reason why people weren't successful. It takes time to be healthy because nobody can do our exercise, eat our meals, or get our rest for us. Many people are also defeated by time because they put unrealistic time expectations on their results that will never lead to long term health.
Health must be prioritized because there will be many things that try to steal the time needed to be healthy. Something I have also come to realize is that to truly understand that connection between health and time and get it right only happens by God's grace.
Today's communion is a time of gratitude for God's grace, and we are asking for wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to live out our health and time together the way God designed them to function.
I am praying for you.
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