Here is today's communion meditation.
Today I am going to talk about a few things that I have never shared before, because I was waiting for the right time. When I first got started in my walk with God he began to give me my assignment. After learning a little about the importance of communion I was in my kitchen one morning taking communion and heard on the inside, " Daniel, make my body healthy."
Shortly after this I also heard, " Daniel, make my body beautiful."
When I first heard these things, I had no idea how to do any of this, but over the past 10 years God has taught me so much about both health and beauty. These two things go together, and God wants to be the source of them.
So how are we going to do this... Daily communion paired with a Daily Workout.
I don't think it was a coincidence that God was speaking about health while taking communion. Health happens from the inside out and taking communion every day is probably one of the greatest keys to health because it helps to get all that God put within us through our mind and emotions and out into our bodies.
And physical exercise is one of the greatest ways to practice seeing his grace flow through us, and his grace flowing is the key to beauty. But the workout must be done the correct way.
Another important key to all of this is to remember that all businesses, churches, organizations, and communities are bodies as well. The same principles apply to making all bodies healthy and beautiful.
Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God wants to make us healthy and beautiful.
Today's Health/Workout Tip
Romans 10:15 says... How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! On the Daily Communion Workouts, I always start with my feet. First, I gently massage the bottoms of my feet with a marble or lacrosse ball to remove any tight restricted areas. Then the first exercise I do every day is calf raises. I do this because blood and lymphatic fluid tend to get stuck in the lower legs and feet. Exercising the feet and calves begins to increase circulation for the workout. The Bible tells us the life of the flesh is in the blood. Gradually work your way up to where you can do 50 calf raises easily and beautifully. Then you can progress to doing single leg calf raises.
Another way to take care of your feet is washing them before bed, rubbing the dead skin off with a pumice stone, and then applying olive oil to your feet. This tip comes from a guy who lived to be 113.
I am praying for you.
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