The most important nutrition principle is balance. But to truly create balance on your plate you must understand that the volume of some foods must be bigger than others.
For example, 100 calories of veggies is a big portion, while 100 calories of meat, fat or junk food is much smaller. To create balance you need way more veggies.
In the same way you need to balance what you are taking into your mind and spirit. For example, you need a high volume of things that build your faith and encourage you but only a small amount of negative news.
Right now there is a lot of negative news out there and it is important to keep balance by making sure your intake of God's word and things that build your faith are higher. It is ok to check and see what is going on in the world but make sure to balance it out.
P.S. If you need something faith building and encouraging to watch/listen to I have recently made the Abundant Life Blueprint free.
The Abundant Life Blueprint contains a series of courses for improving your health... spirit, mind, emotions, physical body, and the practical areas of life. It also contains all of the workouts and nutrition that I use with clients.
Click Here to Access the Abundant Life Blueprint
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