Passover is coming up on the evening of April 8th.
Passover is like a big communion meal. And Psalm 105:37 says that after the Passover there was not one sick or feeble person among close to one million people.
In Exodus God tells the people that the Passover is supposed to be a memorial that reminds them of what God had done in their lives, and that it would provide an opportunity for parents to tell their kids what God had done in their lives.
The word Passover in Hebrew is Pesach which means talking mouth, because it is a time when you are supposed to talk about how Jesus transferred us out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light.
Something I am learning lately is that the Passover can serve as a point of contact where you express your faith that Jesus translated you into a new life. It is an opportunity to bring what has already been done for you into the present.
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