In life we get into patterns and sometimes our patterns get us entangled in things that are hard to break free from, but Jesus came to interrupt our patterns and set us free. We are not to be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Here is a excerpt from the Time Blueprint in my book Pockets of Prosperity on interrupting and untangling our patterns.
Colossians 2:2 (MSG) says this: “I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know about God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery.”
Think of spacetime like a fabric that is woven together. Every action and decision we make in life gets weaved into the fabric, but sometimes it can feel like the fabric is tied up into a gigantic mess. In 1 John 3:8, we read that Jesus came to destroy or undo the works of the devil. The translations of the word “undo” have references to the words “untie” and “untangle.”
Jesus came to untangle us from the fabric of life in which we have entangled ourselves. He came to cut some ties and set us free from everything that entangles us, but we must yield to him. He wants to set us free, but first we must get untangled.
Here is how to practically apply this: Time is about playing defense. The key is to stay focused on God’s plan for our lives and say no to things that attempt to distract us. Often, we find ourselves entangled and spending time on a bunch of things that aren’t really that important. This usually happens when we try to please people instead of God. The other way this happens is usually fear around money. People-pleasing and the fear of not having enough money can get us entangled in many ways, but Jesus wants to set us free.
As we take communion today let it be a time to meditate on God's steadfast unfailing love for us and that nothing is impossible for him, including interrupting and breaking us free from some bad patterns. Sometimes he must do something out of the normal to break us free from a pattern we have been stuck in but if we will follow him he will lead us to a spacious place free from all restriction (Job 36:16).
I am praying for you.
P.S. Our goal in the Abundant Life Blueprint is to make each other great. If you would like to partner with us and become part of our community you can learn more here.
Here is how we do the Daily Communions...
1) Start with the 30 Day Prayer Challenge Prayer
2) Take a few minutes to examine yourself, plan your day with God, and listen. Here are some good questions.
Click Here to Create Your Daily Plan and Have Your Plan Emailed to You.
3) Meditate on the daily communion teaching for a few minutes.
4) Take communion. At our house we take communion daily and keep a box of matzo crackers and grape juice on hand.
5) Execute your plan with a good attitude trusting that God is helping you.
6) The daily videos and audios guide you through this process.
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