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Praising Others

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2022

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Lately we have been talking about the power of praising God. But I believe praise also needs to flow out to the people around us as well. When Paul was in prison it was praise that broke him free. Praise can turn situations around, and I think it can also turn relationships that are struggling. 

My mom had a friend who raised several foster children from bad backgrounds and all of them were thriving as adults. When my mom asked her friend how she did it her response was... we praised the kids consistently. 

My mom asked if they ever had a kid who they struggled to find something to praise. And her friend said that there was one kid who was always in trouble, but they liked the way he combed his hair, so they praised him for his hair and he slowly began to turn.

We often think that criticizing people and being hard on them makes them want to change. But God has shown me that it is grace that changes hearts and makes us want to change. 

We have talked about the example of two baskets on a balancing scale lately, with one basket filled with all the things that are wrong and the other basket full of our praises. I think this example can also be applied to our relationships as well. What are we more focused on, criticizing others or praising them? In any relationship that is struggling it seems one of the best ways to turn it around is through praise. 

In today's communion we are asking God for wisdom and understanding of how praise can turn situations around. And we are asking for help to become skilled and consistent in our praise of others. 

Today's Health/Fitness Tip

A quick reminder today on the importance of sleep. Make sure you are getting your rest. Have a consistent bed time and waking time. A lack of sleep impacts negatively on pretty much everything. If you are struggling to get to sleep try eating a banana before bed. 

I am praying for you.


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