Here is today's communion meditation.
Pressure can be therapeutic. Think of massage, it is pressure that we actually enjoy and it's therapeutic.
I have found that during this season of the year God often slows things down. There may be some delays causing things to take longer than expected. God does this because his timing is perfect, and he is making sure that nothing tears or breaks. But time and pressure are very related, so whenever there are slowdowns, it increases pressure. But kind of like a massage this pressure can be therapeutic and turn into something that we actually look forward to.
A good massage therapist knows how to find those tight restricted areas that you didn't even know were there. When they find those spots they may apply pressure, stretch it, and maybe even shake it a little to break it free and your job is to relax, be still, yield control, and let them work. I believe God does this same thing. He knows the areas of restriction in our lives that are limiting his ability to work and flow through us. And he knows how to put just the right amount of pressure and maybe even stretch or shake those areas for the right amount of time so that the restrictions are removed. And when the restrictions are removed there is less pain, more freedom in your movement, and your body performs at a much higher level.
When handled correctly pressure in our lives can be something that we actually enjoy.
Today's communion is a time to gratitude for God's faithfulness to help us remove any areas that are bound up and lacking freedom and we are asking for his help to be still and yield to him as he does his work.
I am praying for you.
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