Lately I have been thinking about ripple effects, and how when we pick one thing to work on, it causes ripple effects for good across other areas. At the beginning of this month, we talked about picking one area of life to focus on such as emotions, relationships, health, finances, purpose, etc and installing a filter at the top of our journal every night before bed.
For example, a filter in the area of family might look like... Today I am going to bring out the best in my family by cherishing them.
Asking for God's help walking out this standard and then making the decision or commitment to this short phrase becomes the filter that guides all of the little actions and decisions we make throughout the day.
So which area of your life should you pick to work on? I would say the one you want to see change in, but really it doesn't matter. Just pick one, because whichever one you pick it will cause unexpected ripple effects for good across all of the areas of your life.
Last year we did a communion meditation on Points, Waves, and Cycles. If we get one point right, it leads to ripple effects or waves into other areas, which then leads to virtuous cycles. This principle comes from the one point of believing in Jesus. Getting that one point right leads to waves and cycles.
In today's communion we are thanking God for this principle of points, waves, and cycles, and ripple effects and we are asking for his help to make a positive change in just one area of life that leads to ripple effects in other areas.
Today's Workout/Health Tip
In over 20 years of working with clients in the gym I have seen this principle of ripple effects play out over and over. For example, when someone makes the decision to improve their fitness usually it leads to eating better, better energy, confidence, increased clarity and focus, and other ripple effects in their health which then leads to ripple effects in their relationships, work, etc. Unfortunately, this also works in the negative, when people fall off the wagon usually it impacts other areas as well.
I am praying for you.
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