We are on week number 6 of our 7 week sprint to the day of Pentecost.
Week 6 is often a time of pressure, which is a signal to slow down and simplify.
Years ago I travelled all over the United States studying with the best health and fitness experts. But in the process I became really confused. There were so many opinions on what to eat and how to exercise.
Things began to get simpler when I understood that life is full of paradoxes and what look like opposites are just two ends of one spectrum. We must learn to simplify by taking two opposing things and making them into one. For example, high rep and low rep weight lifting are just opposite ends of the strength spectrum. An improvement in either side will automatically improve the strength in the other, and we need both for balance.
The only way to learn these connections is by slowing down. God’s signal for slowing down is pressure.
Sometimes in life there will be pressures, adversities, and things that just suck. These should be signals that we need to slow down, simplify, and make adjustments.
Just remember, to understand how to make 2 into 1, SLOW DOWN.
Here are the examples from the Abundant Life Blueprint...
As an example, any change we make in our time has direct impacts on our health and vice versa. A positive change in our time will positively impact our health and a negative change in our time will have a negative impact on our health.
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