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The Connection Challenge

Uncategorized Aug 03, 2022

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This month of August we will be doing the Connection Challenge. In the Connection Challenge we are going to pick one area each week to focus on taking our connection to a new level.

This week our challenge is to connect with God on a new level. 

To connect with God on a new level we can do basic things like taking communion, reading his word, praying, praising, listening for him, and thinking about him throughout the day.

What I want us to focus on this week is the way we do these things. We can read our Bible to check it off the list for the day or we can read it to truly connect with God. It is the way we practice these things that leads to connection. In order to connect with God on a new level this week be more present with him, listen to understand, and keep him top of mind throughout the day.

August's Journal Filter (To write at the top of your journal each night)... Prioritize connection

I am praying for you!


P.S. If you would like to join next week's live zoom you can register with the link below. 

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