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The Father Living In Me

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2025

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Good morning!

Today is Thoughtful Thursday ( The Purpose & Community Accelerator)

(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here) 

Today do something thoughtful for someone else. Connect them with something they need or do something to make their day. 

This is the purpose and community accelerator. 

We each have a unique gifting that is meant to serve the community of people around us, and one of the ways to do this is by looking for opportunities to help people with your gifts, talents, resources, network, etc. 

Here is today's communion meditation.

Yesterday we talked about Jesus said he could do nothing on his own. It was God working in him.

In John 14:10 Jesus said, "Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work."

Jesus lived in total reliance and dependance on God living in him, and I think this is something we can also grow in. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us do something thoughtful today and to grow in our reliance upon the Father living in us doing his work. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Keep prioritizing going for walks with God. It's a great way to grow your relationship with him while also increasing your activity. 

I am praying for you.


P.S. Remember the Master is with you, he loves you, and nothing is impossible for him. 

P.P.S. You can contribute a Financial Memorial Portion here. 

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