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The Fear of the Lord

Uncategorized Jan 28, 2022

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Here is today's communion meditation.

Every time we take communion it's important that we take it with the Fear of the Lord. Isaiah 33:6 says that the Fear of the Lord is the key to the treasure.

Down below is a passage on the Fear of the Lord from my book The 8th Date.

Multiple times in the book of Proverbs, we read that the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of both wisdom and knowledge. Developing wisdom, understanding, and knowledge all start with the Fear of the Lord. For a while, I wondered what the Fear of the Lord was. It doesn’t seem like a loving God would want us to be terrified of him. Imagine two different fathers. One father is physically and emotionally abusive, while the other is kind, loving, and always wanting to help you become great. The second father is constantly speaking life to you and gently mentoring you on how to truly live. The first father generates fear about being in his presence. With the second father, you would be afraid of not having him in your life, because you know you are better off with him.

To have the Fear of the Lord means that we have reverence, deep respect, and honor for him. The Fear of the Lord is knowing what life is like without him. We are meant to live a life connected to God, and we fear him by desiring him in our lives and fearing what life would be like without him. Fearing the Lord is fearing living on our own without his grace, love, and presence. When we fear him, we seek to honor him, give him glory, and abide in him, all because we value and treasure him. To fear him is to seek him and to seek to live a life that is pleasing to him—and it is faith and love that please him. 

Today's communion is a time of deep respect and honor for the sacrifice of Jesus, and we are asking him to help us grow in the Fear of the Lord. 

Today's Health/Workout Tip

Something I like to do after every Daily Communion Workout is go for a walk with God. The Bible is filled with examples of people who walked with God. And going for a walk with him is a great way to finish the workout and connect with him even more. To go for a walk with God just walk, pray, and listen. There have been many days when it seemed like I didn't have enough time to walk with him, but I have found that when I chose to walk with him anyway, there was always enough time later. 

I am praying for you. 


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