A few years ago a good friend of mine was leading a Bible study. He said " the Bible tells us to set our minds on the things above or the things of heaven, but can anybody tell me what these things are, because I want to know."
Out of about 15-20 guys nobody had an answer for this question. This seemed like an important question to answer so I started seeking God for an answer and he began to teach me.
To set our minds on the things above is to set our minds on his standards for our lives, which are different than the worlds standards.
For a couple of years I have been working on narrowing this down to a set of questions we can ask ourselves to know if we are on track.
Here are some questions to be thinking about.
The Emotional Standard is Joy: How was my level of joy today?
Life Standard: God forgives and is giving us grace. Did I walk in forgiveness and give other people grace?
Purpose: God has a unique plan for each of us. Did I seek hard after this plan today?
Health: Our bodies are the temple of God. Did I honor my body as God's temple today?
Family: Did I bring out the best in my family today?
Finances: God is entrusting us with finances. Did I steward my finances well today?
Order: God is helping us be positioned correctly. Did I follow his leading today?
Time: Did I make progress on God's plan for my life today and did I squeeze the most out of my time?
Community: Was my life aligned with God's kingdom today by living in the light?
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