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Triple Love

Uncategorized May 12, 2021

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Heavenly Father, I pray for all those watching, listening, or reading this and their families, friends, and all those connected to them along with our church and governmental leaders.

Thank you for releasing us from darkness and transferring us into the light, into the kingdom of your dear son. Thank you for your purpose and grace given to us in Christ Jesus before time began.

I ask that you the father of glory would give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation so we would know you better. That the eyes of our hearts would be enlightened to know the hope to which you have called us, and the riches of your glorious inheritance that is in us, and the immeasurable greatness of your power to us who believe. The same power that you exercised in Christ when you raised him from the dead, and seated him at your right hand in heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion,and every name that is named. Not only in this age but also in the one to come. And you put all things under his feet and made him to be the head of all things for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all.

Heavenly Father, bless us and make your face shine upon us. Let us find grace and favor in your eyes.Expand our borders and our territory. Expand our capacity to receive your purpose and grace, and all that you want to do in our lives, and to let it flow through us so that we do good and are a blessing to people all over the world. Keep your hand on us and help us do TODAY what is right and best in your eyes. And to do it with peace and joy, and confidence in you. And as we do stretch out your hand to heal and do signs and wonders. And keep us from evil and pain.

Through the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Communion Meditation

Recently I feel God has been nudging me to record daily videos and to have a daily communion meditation. In the Abundant Life Blueprint we often talk about the concept of table turners. Table turners put you in control by turning the tables and they are usually easy things to do that produce enormous benefit. Daily communion with Jesus is the most important thing.

Here is an excerpt from my book The 8th Date on the power of communion. 

The Battle At The Gate
In Genesis 22:17, after Abraham had committed to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, God tells Abraham, “I will surely bless you and multiply your offspring like the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of their enemies.” This promise is then repeated again to Rebecca in Genesis 24:60 when she chooses to leave her family and marry Isaac. And Galatians 3:29 tells us that if we are in Christ, then we are Abraham’s seed, which means that this promise is relevant for us today.

What does this promise have to do with us, and what are these gates? In ancient times, the gate of a city was a valuable place, a place from which the entire city could be controlled. I believe the imagination is the gate to our lives because it is where we take our seat with Christ. The mind and imagination is the battle ground that Satan tries to attack. The imagination is where Satan tries to influence our choices and get us to leave our heavenly seat. It is where he tries to get us into fear, worry, and doubt so that we try to do things in our own strength rather than resting in God’s grace.

In our imaginations is where we play out worst case scenarios and envision things going wrong. This is where we must turn the battle, so that grace flows.

Turn the Battle With Communion
In Isaiah 28:6 God says he will give strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate. If we will stand firm in our minds by keeping them fixed on the things above God will give us strength to win the battles at the gate. The best way to win the battle at the gate is by taking communion regularly.

When stress, fear, worry, or discouragement arise in our imaginations we can take communion as a point of remembrance to stir up our memory of God working for our good. Communion has an amazing power to transform our imagination and our emotions. By replacing negative images with the image of Jesus bearing it all on the cross and God now doing continually good for us, we can reprogram the images on the inside.

And here is another excerpt on communion from my book The Miracle Year

Several years ago, I was feeling under the weather and tried to heal with proper nutrition, etc, but I wasn’t getting better. As I began to pray and ask God what the issue was, the answer I received was "when was the last time you took communion." The truth is, I was attempting to heal myself rather than trusting in God. It had been several weeks since I had taken communion but after taking it that night I felt better quickly. And from that moment on, my family and I started taking communion almost every night.

In life, everything matters… but some things matter a whole lot more.

In the Abundant Life Blueprint we call them table-turners. These table-turners are the key levers that produce 99 percent of the results in your life. The table-turner can often require very little effort for enormous results. Table turners allow you to rest so that God can work, and his power is released.

Taking daily communion is the most powerful table turner. It is very easy to do but can change the trajectory of your whole life.

Communion expresses our faith in what Jesus did over 2000 years ago.

Communion brings his sacrifice into the current moment as we remember that he bore our sins and by his stripes we were healed. When taking the bread visualize God pouring the cup of his wrath on Jesus so that we have his cup of blessing.

When taking the juice remember that the blood is a symbol of our partnership with God. That we have an invisible partner who is doing continually good for us and can help in any and every situation. We don't have to rely on our limited knowledge and abilities.

Whenever there is increased pressure in life, we can take communion more often as a symbol of trusting in God rather than trying to figure things out by ourselves...

  • If health or safety issues arise, take communion.
  • If finances are tight, take communion.
  • If a relationship is struggling, take communion.
  • After making plans, take communion over them.

The important part is putting something physical that we do paired with remembrance and bringing what Jesus did into the present moment.

Here is one more excerpt from The 8th Date on how communion can create a point of contact that releases God's power. Every time we take communion it is a reminder that the death of Jesus was the turning point for all time. Communion is an activator that can activate the new things God wants to do in our lives. 

The Point of Contact
I was once giving a baseball lesson to a 10 year old kid I had been working with for a few months. As we were going through the lesson I noticed how much his swing had improved. However, as we were hitting he started to struggle.

He began to hit every ball straight into the ground and became very frustrated. After several swings like this I stopped and showed him how to fix the problem. His swing was good but at the point of contact he was releasing his hands too early, causing him to hit every ball straight into the ground.

Then I showed him how to make the adjustment. It took about 2 minutes but when we were done he proceeded to hit about 20 of the best balls I had ever seen him hit. Now the ground balls turned into line drives and maybe even home runs. Sometimes a small adjustment at the point of contact makes all the difference.

The point of contact is a spiritual principle. I didn’t realize it at the time, but Oral Roberts wrote a book titled How to Find Your Point of Contact With God. Needs and issues are constantly coming our way. They could be people issues, financial needs, health needs, relationship needs, etc and when those needs come they are a point of contact that either allows grace to flow or we attempt to meet our own needs by putting the pressure on ourselves or others.

Once we win the battle at the gate and take back control of our imagination, God’s grace begins to flow through us but it must be carried through to the point of contact. Just like the young hitter released his hands too early, we can also take God’s hand off of things at the point of contact. Everything we do in the physical world is a point of contact where God’s grace and power are released or we try to do things in our own strength.

For example, we could take communion as a way to remember that God supplies our needs financially, but then at the point of paying for things we shrink back and think about our financial lack and an uncertain financial future. We could take communion when health issues arise but then take God’s hand off too early by freaking out again when the situation is still there.

Every word we speak or action we take in the world is a point of contact that is either creating a bridge of trust, allowing grace to flow, or us trying to put the pressure on ourselves or others.

The Bridge
Anything that bridges the spiritual and physical is a point of contact. This could be a physical thing we do, a time we do something, something we touch or contact, or even a routine we do. Every need and issue we have is like a pitch coming toward a hitter. We can either make contact with the problem with trust and belief that God’s grace is sufficient or we can roll over too early and put the pressure on ourselves and others.

Yearly Cycle

The feast of Pentecost is coming soon on May 17th and it is a reminder that we have been given the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth. Pentecost is also the midpoint on God's calendar. It is the bridge to the other side of the year. This time of year is a reminder that trusting at the point of contact is the bridge that allows God's grace to flow out into the world. 

Triple Love

Today we are going to be learning a song. A few years ago my daughter was getting ready for her Christmas musical at school and the music teacher convinced all of the girls to sing solos. My daughter was nervous about singing a solo so we found some videos of a voice coach doing vocal exercises for improved singing. One of the vocal exercises was saying " I Love my Neighbor," while focusing on the annunciation. We were joking around about this one day in the car on the way to school but then God turned it into a song that my kids and I sing called Triple Love. God began to fill in the words and my kids know all of the words to this song. 

Hidden in this song are many of the concepts that we teach in the Abundant Life Blueprint. Music is very powerful and is one of the best ways to remember things. The triple love song has 3 main section...Loving God, loving ourselves, and loving others. 

Section 1 - Loving God

Do what you, do what you, do what you say.

You said if I love you that I would obey.

To walk by faith and not by sight. To do it by the Spirit and not by might.

With all my heart and all my soul, I yield to you and give you control.


Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself... Repeat this 3x 
That’s that triple love that I’m speaking of.

Triple love it’s sent from above. Greater than you’ve ever heard of.

Section 2 - Loving Ourselves

You gave me grace and a fresh start. You gave me all that I need and put treasure in my heart.

What’s it mean to love me? To be all that you created me to be.

It means I’ve got to go and get it in the flow. To do what I know and grow, grow, grow.

Because first I’m going to seek and then I’ll find. Going to change the way I think and renew my mind.

It’s not about chasing all that stuff, cause you made me to be more than enough.

I’m going to stir up my joy cause it makes me strong. Going to stir up my peace and sing a new song. Going to stir up my faith cause it makes me pray. Going to stir up my courage it’s just for today.

Going to continually learn cause it keeps my young. Going to control my mind and bite my tongue.

These are the ways that I love me and become who Jesus paid for me to be.


Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself... Repeat this 3x
That’s that triple love that I’m speaking of.

Section 3 - Loving others

To love is to serve. To find my thing. To work my gift. To be the best at what I do is how I serve you.

It means I’ve got to commit and do my part. To see the best in you...The treasure in your heart.

To encourage and inspire and never grow tired of doing good every day...because Jesus is the way.

That leads to the truth, that leads to the life
Free from the stress and free from the strife.

That wants to separate and divide, cause when there’s strife then there’s pride.

But, love is patient and love is kind. Love assumes the best and has the best in mind.


Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself... Repeat this 3x
That’s that triple love that I’m speaking of.


Grace, grace, where do I start? ...Repeat this 3x
It’s the only thing that can change a heart.

Grace, grace, what do I do? ...Repeat this 3x
It’s the only thing that makes me cherish you.

Grace, grace, how does it flow? Repeat this 3x
Once you understand you’ll be in the know.

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