Here is today's communion meditation.
For a while my youngest daughter was getting car sick every time we went on a trip. Recently we were driving and I found myself looking back at her every couple of minutes to check on her. It was stealing my peace because I was more focused on the problem rather than on God being with us. After praying about it one day I felt God was saying to rub olive oil behind her earlobes before going on a car trip. After hearing this we also received some confirmation from a pediatrician friend of ours who mentioned that there is an oil she has used for kids that is rubbed behind the ears.
The other day we were preparing to take a short but curvy car trip so I rubbed the olive oil on her earlobes and it reminded me of the power of a point of contact. Often it's important to have something physical that we can release our faith into. It bridges the gap and brings God's grace and power into the physical world. The olive oil became that for me. It gave us something physical to do to activate God's power. For the woman with the issue of blood in the Gospels touching the fringe of Jesus's garment was the point of contact, For Moses it was when he raised his staff over the Red Sea. The disciples used handkerchiefs as a point of contact. And there are many other examples in the Bible.
I was not thinking of the olive oil as a cure but as a reminder that we had given the problem to God and he is capable of way more than we can do. It was a symbol of trusting in him. Every time I was tempted to look back and check on her I would remember that we had applied the olive oil and God was taking care of it. Once a point of contact is created then we must stay in faith and keep trusting. And sure enough she was fine for the entire trip.
When we take communion we have an opportunity to create a point of contact. We have been given the bread and juice as a symbol and reminder of our covenant of love and peace with God. It gives us something to do in order to release our faith that he loves us and nothing is impossible for him. The simple elements have no inherent power in them but when mixed with faith they create a bridge that allows God's grace and power to flow in our lives. Whenever we are tempted to stress, worry, or try to figure things out we can look back to these elements as a way to bring the sacrifice of Jesus into the present moment of our lives. Communion can create a bridge that helps us release our faith in Jesus with something practical that we do. Then after the point of contact we can keep trusting that he is changing the trajectory of our lives. He is working for our good even when we can't see it.
I am praying for you.
P.S. Our goal in the Abundant Life Blueprint is to make each other great. If you would like to partner with us and become part of our community you can learn more here.
Here is how we do the Daily Communions...
1) Start with the 30 Day Prayer Challenge Prayer
2) Take a few minutes to examine yourself, plan your day with God, and listen. Here are some good questions.
Click Here to Create Your Daily Plan and Have Your Plan Emailed to You.
3) Meditate on the daily communion teaching for a few minutes.
4) Take communion. At our house we take communion daily and keep a box of matzo crackers and grape juice on hand.
5) Execute your plan with a good attitude trusting that God is helping you.
6) The daily videos and audios guide you through this process.
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