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Trust Your Hands

Uncategorized Apr 27, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

 Lately we have been talking about a college baseball coach I had who could transform a hitter very quickly. And yesterday we talked about the principle of the beginning and the end, and the hitting coach taught that if the beginning and the end of the swing are in the correct place, that everything in the middle tends to work out. This applies into just about everything in life because Jesus is the beginning and the end. 

Another thing the hitting coach used to always say was, "trust your hands." 

At the point of contact with the ball the hitter needed to trust that his hands would connect with the ball. In a similar way we must learn to trust our hands in the things we do in everyday life. In Deuteronomy 28 one of the blessings listed for being in right standing with God, which we have in Christ, is that God would bless the work of our hands. But we have to trust and grow confident in him being with us and blessing the work of our hands. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us grow in revelation that he is blessing the work of our hands and to help us trust in this more and more, until we are confident in him blessing the work of our hands. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

One of the ways to practice trusting that God is with blessing the work of our hands is in our workouts. Remember he is with you as you do the work. In baseball, when a hitter really connects well with the ball, it's almost like the hitter doesn't even feel it. And in a similar way when we are really connected with God working within us, we often don't even feel his power working. 

 I am praying for you.


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