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What I Learned from 1 Year of Daily Communion Meditations

Uncategorized May 11, 2022

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One year ago today I recorded the first Daily Communion Meditation. Here are some of the main lessons I learned from 1 year of daily communion meditations...

God Will Supply - When I first started recording daily videos my biggest hesitation was what I was going to talk about every day. How was I going to come up with a new message every single day? But I learned that whatever God asks us to do he sustains. I learned that God supplies. He always had a new message ready for every day. During the last year I learned how to trust and rely on him at a greater level. Over the course of 365 messages probably 30% of the time I had no clue what I was going to talk about within 10 minutes of hitting record on my computer. But, every time God would show up. During this time I also learned how to better follow those little nudges he gives. Sometimes I would just have one word or sentence to talk about but then he would take over from there. Through this process of watching him show up over and over again I got to know him better and my sense of awe and appreciation for him greatly increased. 

Communion is an activation - I learned that communion is an amazing way to activate promises in our life and immediately start to see things shift. Communion can serve as a marker in time or a turning point where we receive promises from God and experience his help walking in those promises from that point on. Taking communion over certain promises or issues we are having is one of the best ways I have found to reprogram ourselves. So many of our emotional buttons and patterns can be reprogrammed through communion. 

Recording Our Journey - Something we teach in the Abundant Life Blueprint is that one of keys to greatness is recording our journey. I am very grateful now that I have recorded all of the communion meditations, because I can track my own growth over time and I have reminders in the messages of lessons and promises that have been activated through communion. I am thankful that God helped to discipline me to stay on track throughout the year, because it wasn't always convenient.

Practice and Getting Established - How do we get good at anything... practice, practice, practice. If you tracked along over the last year you probably asked... Why is this guy repeating himself every day over and over again for hundreds of days in a row? For many people this seems foolish, but I learned the power of disciplining ourselves over and over and over and over again on the things that really matter. It is through consistent practice and repetition that we develop skill and get established to the point where we develop competence and confidence. Over the last year I also saw my speaking and writing skills improve a lot. I still have a long way to go but I can see significant growth. Considering that when I first started with God I was terrified of being on camera, he has brought me a long way. 

Both Sides of the Cross - During communion it's important to remember both sides of the cross. Jesus said as often as we take communion to remember him and I think it's important to remember all that he went through and what his sacrifice did for us. On one side of the cross we remember that God loved us so much he sent his one and only son, and Jesus was willing to humble himself and be obedient even unto death on a cross. He was rejected, betrayed, spit on, mocked, ridiculed, hit, whipped, nailed to the cross, and probably worst of all the cup of God's wrath was poured onto his body. But then he was raised back to life. He was victorious over death and now that same victorious power lives on the inside of us. He connects us back to God and makes us righteous, holy, and perfect in his sight. God is now fighting for us and will never leave us or forsake us. When we take communion it's important to remember both what he went through AND what it means for us. 

Pouring Out and Health - Prior to recording the communion meditations I had been pretty healthy. I would rarely get sick but occasionally I would have to fight something off. From the time I started recording the Daily Communion Meditations I don't think I've had one symptom of sickness in my body for a whole year. I attribute this to God's grace and him sustaining what he asked me to do. For me to record every day means I must be healthy. I learned that if I am willing to pour out to others his grace will flow through me at a greater level, which includes health. During the year the Daily Communion Workouts also began to take shape and I think some big things will be coming with these over the next year. 

As we take communion today I am so grateful that God asked me to do this and for all of you who encouraged me along the way. And we are asking God for guidance on where he wants us to go from here. 

I am praying for you.


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