Here is today's communion meditation.
As we get closer to the end of the year it's good for us to look at which direction we are moving in. In life we are either growing and improving or we are going in the wrong direction, there isn't much in between.
I was once making some hot chocolate for my kids in a pot. As I stirred the milk over and over, I felt like God was telling me to take my spoon out. When my spoon was removed the milk continued to spin in the same direction without me doing anything. Then I felt like God was telling me to put my spoon back in and stir in the opposite direction. When I first started the milk became very turbulent and disordered but as I kept stirring in the other direction it eventually got to the point where I could take my spoon out and it would keep spinning in the other direction.
Today is a good time to examine our direction and growth. Think back over the last year and examine which direction you are heading in the following areas...
A simple question to ask is have I seen growth and progress in this area over the last year or are things deteriorating. If it is growing and improving over the last year, then celebrate the progress and keep practicing the fundamentals that have contributed to the growth. If it's going in the wrong direction over the course of the last year it is time to make some adjustments. In many cases big adjustments are not needed, just a few little adjustments in the key fundamentals.
In today's communion we are thanking God that he is the source of growth and progress and that without him we can do nothing. And we are asking for his help to turn around any areas that are going in the wrong direction. Then our job is to be patient and keep stirring in the new direction until it becomes automatic.
I am praying for you.
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