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Yearly Cycle: According to God's Generosity

Uncategorized Dec 11, 2020

Last night was the start of Hanukkah, which is an 8 Day Feast known as the Festival of Lights and the Feast of Dedication. The number 8 is symbolic of new beginnings. We are nearing the end of the year and we are in a season where some things may be coming to a close. But, keep in mind that what looks like the end of something is often just a new beginning. 

In the Hanukkah story the Jewish people took back control of the temple but they only had enough oil for one night. God did the miraculous and made the oil last for 8 nights. When we embark on a new beginning in our lives it can often seem like we don't have enough but God can take the little we have and do the miraculous.

In 1 Kings 17 is the story of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. She is down to her last little bit of food and she says that she and her son are about to eat the little they have and die. But, Elijah tells her to make him a small cake first and then they can eat. When she does this it says that she and her household ate for many days. This is another example, of God taking the little we have and doing the miraculous. 

Something I have been learning about lately is called "The Memorial Portion." In the Old Testament when the priests received offerings they were told to take a small handful of what was given to them and burn it as a Memorial Portion before the Lord. The rest of the offerings were for them personally. I think this Memorial Portion serves two purposes. It puts God in remembrance of us and also puts us in remembrance that God can take the little we bring to him and do the miraculous. 

If it's seems like you don't have enough, are embarking on something new, or you simply need a fresh start and new beginning I would encourage you to take a Memorial Portion, just a small handful of what you have and give it to God. Seek him on how to do this and he will show you. It may be a small amount of money or something else that is given to charity or wherever God directs. Give cheerfully and stir up the remembrance that God can take the little we have and do the miraculous. 

Lately, inside of the Abundant Life Blueprint we have also been talking about another key that helps us to transition to new things, which is writing what you want in life. Over the last several weeks I have been going through the process of writing what I want, and have seen many things shift in good ways, but I felt like there needed to be a way to simplify the process. 

Here is what I found about simplifying this process. In Matthew 20 Jesus tells the parable of a landowner hiring workers for his vineyard. The first worker he hires agrees upon a wage for the day of a denarius. The workers that are hired later are hired under a different agreement. The landowner tells them that he will pay them whatever he feels is right. At the end of the day the workers who only worked for a little while are paid the same as those who work the entire day. The first workers worked for an agreed upon price but the later workers trusted in the landowners generosity. This required trust on their part that he would compensate them well, because they did not have an agreed upon rate. Imagine getting hired for a job with no set pay, only what the owner thought was right and fair. This takes a high amount of trust. 

When writing what we want I have found that a much simpler and better way is to ask God to work in every area our lives according to what is right and best based on his grace, goodness, and generosity to us in Christ, and according to the sacrifice of Jesus. 

Again this takes trust. Imagine you were looking for a house and asked a realtor for help. First the realtor would want to know what you are looking for. Then once you give the description of what you want the realtor searches to find the best option. In Ezekial 20:6 it says that God searched out the land of Israel for the people and found for them the most glorious and beautiful of all lands. 

When you have something that you want, I have found it's best to turn it over to God and ask him to send you the best according to what is right, lovely, just, true, and pure according to his grace and goodness in Christ. Something else I have found to be true is that we can bind or loose God from working on our behalf. By submitting our requests in this way, we can truly loose God to work and bring all that he wants to do into our lives. But again, this takes trust that God has good intentions for you and wants to make you great. If you doubt his knowledge, ability, or intentions you may have reservations about letting go and turning things over to him. 

Back to our story of a realtor looking for a property.While the realtor is searching your job is to rest and trust that they know better than you do. In the same way once we submit our requests to God we must rest and trust that he is on it. Once the realtor has found the property they usually present it to you. Then you would have the choice as to whether or not you wanted to proceed. The realtor would also walk you through the proper steps to secure the property. In the same way God will present answers to us in his timing and we will have the choice to move forward or not. It will take trust and faith to move forward with what God brings us. For example, when the Israelites were brought out of Egypt God had them send spies into the promised land, which was the land he had found for them, but they rejected it at first because it looked impossible. They simply needed to trust and move forward by faith with the process God had in place. 

The same will be true for us. We can ask God for his best option, but then we must rest, trust, and move forward by faith one step at a time with his process. I have found that by doing it this way we truly takes the limits off of God and allows him to do the miraculous.

Next week we have 2 live trainings on Zoom. 

Tuesday 6pm EST Miracle Year Class on Health and Time.

We will be discussing transform health and enhance productivity. 

Click Here to Register for the Miracle Year Class

Wednesday 12/16 6:30PM EST Abundant Life Blueprint on Writing What You Want

In the Abundant Life Blueprint we have had some great discussions lately on the process for writing what we want and taking the limits off of God. 

If these emails have been helpful for you I would ask that you prayerfully consider joining us in the Abundant Life Blueprint. 

If you would like to join us in the Abundant Life Blueprint Click Here

I am praying for you.





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