Here is this week's yearly cycle update.
We are entering into the summer which is a reminder that we are supposed to be taking action. In Matthew 20 is the story of the landowner who goes out to hire workers for the day. The landowner (Jesus in this story) goes into the marketplace and sees people who are just standing around and he asks them, "Why are you standing around doing nothing?" He then sends them into his field to work. There were three different waves of workers that went to work in the field that day. The first group were hard workers but they had a low level of faith and trust in the landowner because they would only work for an agreed upon price. The second wave of workers was lazier but they had more trust in the landowners generosity because they agreed to work for whatever the landowner thought was right. The last group was standing around all day but they had a high level of trust in the landowner. The landowner made them no promise. He simply said...Go work in my vineyard. They trusted that he was going to compensate them if they just went.
We have been given an anointing and unction from God and we know what we are supposed to be doing but we need to go, trusting that as we do what we know to do God will take care of us. In Matthew 14 is story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. The disciples only have a little bit of food and they ask Jesus what to do. Jesus tells them to feed the people. Jesus gives thanks for the little bit of food they have and gives it to the disciples to distribute to the people. As they do the food multiplies and there are 12 baskets full of leftovers...One for each disciple.
This time of year is a reminder that you have been given an anointing and unction from the Holy One. This anointing is meant to serve others, but you also get taken care of in the process. You know the things you should be doing. Take action on them trusting that as you do the anointing will multiply the little you have and turn it into more than enough. The anointing will supply the health, time, money, and resources you need to serve the people around you and take care of you as well.
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