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Embrace Challenges

Episode #26

Here is this week's Yearly Cycle Update.

 About a year ago I started something new.

My wife and I had discussed getting into real estate, but I told her I wasn't that interested unless it was for buying real estate for Abundant Life Training Centers. After this conversation I felt a nudge from God to reach out to a former client of mine in the gym who was a good friend and had done well in real estate.  

The next day I was sitting at his house, and he told me about how his business had increased, and he was having a hard time keeping up with everything. He had been praying for God to send him someone to help. And a few days later I started working for him. This wasn't in my plans at all, but God had opened an unexpected door to start learning about real estate from someone who is also a believer and an expert in developing land and building, which is what I was interested in for the Abundant Life Training Center. 

But, when I got started it was extremely challenging. It was very fast paced, stressful, and I had no clue what I was doing. One day I prayed and asked God if this is what he really wanted me to do, because it was very challenging at first, and I had thoughts of quitting. But then I opened my book The Miracle Year to the section that describes what we experience during the month of July. The title for that weeks devotion was... Embrace Challenges. 

God had made us to be overcomers, but this means we will have some challenges to overcome. And we can do so trusting that his grace is sufficient. It is a year later now and things are not perfect, but I am glad I kept going. Things have smoothed out a lot and are a lot less stressful. We have better systems and rhythms in place and God has supplied the grace to do the work. 

Something I have learned is that along God's path for our lives we will find ourselves in some challenging situations. If you are being challenged right now I want to encourage you to keep going because a year from now you will look back and be amazed at all the progress you made. 

Here is this week's filter(reminder) to write at the top of our journals each day... Embrace Challenges

I am praying for you. 


P.S. The Yearly Cycle Calendar for 2022 is down below.


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