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Episode #202

Here is today's communion meditation.

The other day I read the Beatitudes in the Amplified Version and it really blessed me to see all of the different definitions of 'Blessed," that are used in this scripture. Today's communion is a time of gratitude for God's blessing in Christ, and we are asking him to help us walk in the fullness of his blessing.

Here is the passage from Matthew 5:3-12(AMP)

3 â€śBlessed [spiritually prosperous, happy, to be admired] are the poor in spirit [those devoid of spiritual arrogance, those who regard themselves as insignificant], for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [both now and forever].

4 â€śBlessed [forgiven, refreshed by God’s grace] are those who mourn [over their sins and repent], for they will be comforted [when the burden of sin is lifted].

5 â€śBlessed [inwardly peaceful, spiritually secure, worthy of respect] are the [gentle [the kind-hearted, the sweet-spirited, the self-controlled], for they will inherit the earth.


6 â€śBlessed [joyful, nourished by God’s goodness] are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [those who actively seek right standing with God], for they will be [completely] satisfied.

7“Blessed [content, sheltered by God’s promises] are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.

8 â€śBlessed [anticipating God’s presence, spiritually mature] are the pure in heart [those with integrity, moral courage, and godly character], for they will see God.

9 â€śBlessed [spiritually calm with life-joy in God’s favor] are the makers and maintainers of peace, for they will [express His character and] be called the sons of God.


10 â€śBlessed [comforted by inner peace and God’s love] are those who are persecuted for [c]doing that which is morally right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [both now and forever].


11 â€śBlessed [morally courageous and spiritually alive with life-joy in God’s goodness] are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil things against you because of [your association with] Me. 12 Be glad and exceedingly joyful, for your reward in heaven is great [absolutely inexhaustible]; for in this same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Some of these definitions of blessed have direct application into our health and fitness. Being present, joyful, refreshed, and at peace all bring life to our bodies. 

I am praying for you.



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