One Great Day
Here is today's communion meditation.
Yesterday I was reminded of the power of one day. Today is a gift, but we often go through the motions. Here is a challenge for all of us today... Make today...just this one day, a great day. If you have an area you have wanted to see a breakthrough in for a long time, let's focus on having one great day in that area.
To me a great day is one where we stay connected to God, full of the fruit of the Spirit(love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self control, faith, etc) and we take action on those things we know to do. It doesn't mean we get it all perfect, but we make quick corrections if needed.
One great day can turn things around and it simplifies life... just have one great day today, and then do it again tomorrow.
But we also need to be careful that the demand and pressure of having one great day is not put onto us... we need to learn how to roll the demand over onto God's supply rather than our own.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand the gift of one day, and we are asking him to help us have one great day... and then begin to string multiple days in a row.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
Let's have one great day in our health and fitness... one great workout and one great day of nutrition.
I am praying for you.