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April 2023: The Best Use of Time

Episode #342

Here is the Message for April.

Our message for the year of 2023 is "God Saved the Best Until Now," and our message for April is... The Best Use of Time

This week we have some important dates coming up:

  • Passover (Thursday 4/6), which starts the 7 Days of Unleavened Bread
  • Easter Sunday, which starts a 50 day sprint to the Day of Pentecost.  

This is a season of acceleration. In the Old Testament, Passover was the start of the year. Think of this time as God accelerating us into what he has for us this year. And as we accelerate it's important that we make the best use of our time. 

In the area of our time, I have discovered a few great accelerators of productivity that I call the P's of Productivity...

  • Prayer
  • Planning
  • Praising
  • Playing
  • People - People working together in unity is the greatest accelerator. 

These 5 P's can accelerate us but it's also important that we focus our time on things that truly last. Here are some things that can last:

  • Whatever is on God's plan for our life lasts and has eternal impact.
  • People and relationships last. 
  • How we make people feel is what they remember.
  • How we finish - I once had a baseball coach who would say that if you had a terrible game but you had a big play to win the game, everyone would forget the early part of the game and remember the way you finished. 
  • Books, music, systems, stories, and prayers are also things that can last. 

This month our prayer is that God would help us use our time in the best way possible. 

Our monthly filter for April is... The Best Use of Time

I am praying for you.




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