Acceleration on the Third Day
Here is today's communion meditation.
This month our message is... The Best Use of Time, which has me thinking about accelerated results. The other day I heard someone say that it's easier to get much bigger results in a short period of time than it is to get smaller results over a long time. Something I observed while working in the gym is that some people get fast results by doing something extreme, but it seems that these results very rarely last. On the other side of the spectrum is taking a more patient approach, aiming for slow steady progress over a longer period of time, but this can be challenging as well. But I think God can give us the ultimate combination in that we can get accelerated results that actually last.
With us just celebrating Easter I was reminded that in the Bible the third day seems to be correlated with accelerated results.
In the story of Jesus turning water into wine(John 2) there is a small detail in the beginning of the story that says... On the third day a wedding took place in Cana. It was the third day when Jesus rose from the dead, but it was also the third day when he turned water into wine, which was a greatly accelerated result, because making wine takes years.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand how to get much bigger results that last in a short period of time and to apply this to our lives.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
In the story of Jesus turning water into wine the key was doing what Jesus said to do. In the story of Peter catching a huge amount of fish in one catch was also dependent on doing what Jesus said to do. Let's spend some time this week seeking God on what the best ways to produce results in our health.
I am praying for you.