No Condemnation
Here is today's communion meditation.
Today, July 19th is a reminder of God's favor. His favor is on you for a lifetime, and it surrounds you like a shield.
Our message for July is, " Being Bold Leads to God's Best."
And there is a very close connection between boldness and confidence, but one of the biggest things that can steal our confidence is condemnation.
Romans 8:1, says "therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus
And 1 John 3:20-22 says, "Even if our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, and He knows all things. 21Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God, 22and we will receive from Him whatever we ask, because we keep His commandments and do what is pleasing in His sight."
Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God is greater than our hearts and we are asking him to help us walk free of condemnation so that we have boldness and confidence.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
Watch out for condemnation in the area of your health and fitness. This looks like beating yourself up for eating something, missing a workout, etc. Make sure to give yourself grace, rather than condemnation. That's what God does for us.
I am praying for you.