And He Reigned
Here is today's communion meditation.
We've been talking about the story in 2 Chronicles chapter 1 of God appearing to Solomon and telling him to ask for whatever he wants.
Solomon prayed for a couple of specific things... Number one was that God's promise to David would be established or confirmed. This promise was for Solomon's family. We also have great and precious promises in Christ, and we can ask God to establish those promises in our lives.
Then Solomon asked for wisdom and understanding on how to do what God called him to do. God made him the king, but he didn't know how to be king, so he asked God to help him be king in a way that was pleasing to God and served the people. We can also ask God for help to walk out what he's called us to do, because we usually don't know what we're doing.
Immediately after this God tells Solomon that he was pleased with his request and that he will not only grant his request but give him riches, wealth, and honor.
Then there is an interesting verse after this in 2 Chronicles 1:13 that says, "Then Solomon went to Jerusalem from the high place at Gibeon, from before the tent of meeting. And he reigned over Israel."
Gibeon means a "hilly place," and one of the translations of Jerusalem means, "Foundation of Peace." After praying this prayer and hearing from God he went from an up and down place to a solid foundation of peace.
Immediately after this Solomon went by faith to sit on the throne and reign over Israel. Think about this for a moment.. He didn't have any evidence that God was going to give him the wisdom to rule Israel, but he believed what God told him, and he trusted God. He reigned by faith. For us to reign in the assignment that God has given us I believe we must do the same.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us reign in our assignment because we trust that he is helping us.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
We must also take God at his word in our health and fitness. One of the ways to apply this is by showing up in our workouts confident that God is with us.
I am praying for you.