Good morning!
Today is Thoughtful Thursday ( The Purpose & Community Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Today do something thoughtful for someone else. Connect them with something they need or do something to make their day.
This is the purpose and community accelerator.
We each have a unique gifting that is meant to serve the community of people around us, and one of the ways to do this is by looking for opportunities to help people with your gifts, talents, resources, network, etc.
Here is today's communion meditation.
Yesterday we talked about Jesus said he could do nothing on his own. It was God working in him.
In John 14:10 Jesus said, "Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work."
Jesus lived in total reliance and dependance on God living in him, and I think this is so...
Good morning!
Today is Work in the Flow Wednesday ( The Health & Time Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Wednesday is a reminder to work in flow with the Holy Spirit... Our indicators are peace and joy.
Health is a frequency, and working with peace and joy changes the internal environment.
Think about how much time we waste worrying, complaining, feeling down, venting, etc.
What could we accomplish if we reinvested that time into productive work with God.
Focus on the emotional state you do everything in today, and if possible, work deeply on things that will really make a difference.
Here is today's communion meditation.
Lately I've been thinking about how Jesus was in total reliance upon God. He said that by himself he could do nothing. This is both tremendous humility and confidence in God.
In John 5:19 Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing,...
Good morning!
Today is Transformation Tuesday (The Family & Order Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Tuesday is a reminder that the way to get to the next level in anything is to make the most of your current level.
Make it a goal to transform every environment you go into...
We can transform our spiritual environment by beholding the glory of God.
We can transform our inner world by renewing our mind to God's love and truth.
We can transform our home, workplace, etc by creating more order and bringing peace and joy into the environment.
We can also transform difficult or adverse situations, through God's grace, power, and wisdom that's within us.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This month we have been talking about being lifted up.
And in Job 36:7 it says, "He does not take his eyes off the righteous; he enthrones them with kings and exalts them forever."
In Christ you've been made righteous which also means Go...
Good morning!
Today is Memorial Monday - The Financial Accelerator. (You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Mondays are a reminder that a Memorial Portion, just one very small step of faith, can help you remember that God is with you and He's more than enough. One small step of faith can open up a supernatural flow of whatever you need.
When Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves, it started with just a little bit of bread and fish.
When the widow woman was down to her last meal Elijah had her make him a small cake first.
If finances are tight... Give a few dollars.
If a relationship is strained... Do one small kind act for the person.
If you are pressed for time... Give away a few minutes to someone else.
If something looks overwhelming take one small step in that direction.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This week our Yearly Cycle update was on simple faith, that believes God at his word.
In Luke 7 is the story of the centurion ...
Good morning,
This is the day the Lord has made, let's rejoice in it and make today a masterpiece!
Today is Speak Life Saturday (The Faith Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Focus on speaking life today... With the words that you speak and the tone you speak with.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Let your speech always be seasoned with grace.
Here is this week's Yearly Cycle communion meditation.
Yesterday was the Feast of Purim, which comes from the book of Esther. Purim comes from a time when law was written that was going to destroy God's people. And Queen Esther petitioned the king to write a new law that turned the tables and gave God's people control.
But the king said something very interesting to Esther about the law.
He told her, "You write what you want."
This is very similar to what Jesus said in John 14:13-14, "And I will do whatever you...
Good morning,
This is the day the Lord has made, let's rejoice in it, and make today a masterpiece!
Today is Fellowship Friday - The Love Accelerator
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
1 John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
To walk in the light is also to walk in love, and the indicator is that we have fellowship with one another.
The shortcut to walking in the light is gratitude.
If there are any strained relationships, how could you take steps toward restored fellowship today?
Let's ask God to help us walk in the light and in fellowship the way he desires.
Here is today's communion meditation.
On God's calendar today is Purim, which comes from the story of Esther.
In those days a law was written that was going to destroy God's people, but God turned the situation around and gave his people mastery over t...
Good morning!
Today is Thoughtful Thursday ( The Purpose & Community Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Today do something thoughtful for someone else. Connect them with something they need or do something to make their day.
This is the purpose and community accelerator.
We each have a unique gifting that is meant to serve the community of people around us, and one of the ways to do this is by looking for opportunities to help people with your gifts, talents, resources, network, etc.
Here is today's communion meditation.
Lately we've been talking about lifting up.
And in John 12:32 Jesus said, "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”
This is an interesting connection, that when he is lifted up by God is caused people to be drawn to him.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us do something thoughtful today and we are asking God to help us understand the connection between bei...
Good morning!
Today is Work in the Flow Wednesday ( The Health & Time Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Wednesday is a reminder to work in flow with the Holy Spirit... Our indicators are peace and joy.
Health is a frequency, and working with peace and joy changes the internal environment.
Think about how much time we waste worrying, complaining, feeling down, venting, etc.
What could we accomplish if we reinvested that time into productive work with God.
Focus on the emotional state you do everything in today, and if possible, work deeply on things that will really make a difference.
Here is today's communion meditation.
Yesterday we looked at 1 Timothy 2:8 which says, "I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling."
And Psalm 141:2 says, "Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!"
In today's communion ...
Good morning!
Today is Transformation Tuesday (The Family & Order Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Tuesday is a reminder that the way to get to the next level in anything is to make the most of your current level.
Make it a goal to transform every environment you go into...
We can transform our spiritual environment by beholding the glory of God.
We can transform our inner world by renewing our mind to God's love and truth.
We can transform our home, workplace, etc by creating more order and bringing peace and joy into the environment.
We can also transform difficult or adverse situations, through God's grace, power, and wisdom that's within us.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This year our message for the year is "Lift Up Your Eyes to True North."
And I've been researching scriptures on lifting.
One of the concepts that keeps coming up has to do with lifting our hands.
2 Timothy 2:8 says, " I desire then that ...
Good morning!
Today is Memorial Monday - The Financial Accelerator. (You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Mondays are a reminder that a Memorial Portion, just one very small step of faith, can help you remember that God is with you and He's more than enough. One small step of faith can open up a supernatural flow of whatever you need.
When Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves, it started with just a little bit of bread and fish.
When the widow woman was down to her last meal Elijah had her make him a small cake first.
If finances are tight... Give a few dollars.
If a relationship is strained... Do one small kind act for the person.
If you are pressed for time... Give away a few minutes to someone else.
If something looks overwhelming take one small step in that direction.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This year our message for the year is, "Lift Up Your Eyes to True North."
And the other day we talked about the parable in Luk...
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