Here is today's communion meditation.
Yesterday we talked about how starting and stopping can be costly and I was reminded that sometimes we are start believing God for things and have high expectations, but then we get defeated by time. We set a deadline and limit God in our mind, and when we don't see the result in time, so we stop believing.
I feel like something God is saying is, Go Back.. And Pick It Up. Start believing again and be ready to keep believing over time.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us identify any areas that we have been starting and stopping in believing him, and to help us go back and start again.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
Sometimes in our health and fitness we need to go back and pick it up. It can be easy to get into good habits, but then stop. If this is the case don't beat yourself up over it. Simply go back and start again.
I am praying for you.
Here is the Message for April.
Our message for the year of 2023 is "God Saved the Best Until Now," and our message for April is... The Best Use of Time
This week we have some important dates coming up:
This is a season of acceleration. In the Old Testament, Passover was the start of the year. Think of this time as God accelerating us into what he has for us this year. And as we accelerate it's important that we make the best use of our time.
In the area of our time, I have discovered a few great accelerators of productivity that I call the P's of Productivity...
These 5 P's can accelerate us but it's also important that we focus our time on things that truly last. Here are some things that can last:
Here is today's communion meditation.
Recently we were driving down the highway and I was reminded of the impact of having to start and stop. Starting and stopping takes time and can be costly. Most of the slow downs on the highway have to do with people entering and exiting from the highway. In an organization changing directions constantly can also costly, it has been shown that high turnover in an organization is costly. If we are driving through traffic the starting and stopping also burns through more fuel.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us be consistent. To stop things that need to be stopped, turn them around, and build momentum.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
In our health and fitness starting and stopping can be a big problem, because momentum is one of the biggest keys to results.
I am praying for you.
Here is today's communion meditation.
The other day my daughter bought some magnetic rocks. As we were playing with the rocks it reminded me of the power of forces that we can't see and how magnets repel and attract. Sometimes in our life we push after goals or things we want to accomplish, but the closer we get to them it seems like they are repelled away. When magnets repel, the closer they are put together the harder they repel. But when magnets are attracting, if they even get close, they snap together.
This month our message has been... Turn it Around and the Best Will Be Found. When a magnet is repelling the other magnet, the answer to get them attracted together is to simply turn one of them around. Rather than pushing after the goals we can seek first the kingdom of God, and then all of the things are attracted to us.
In today's communion we are asking God to help understand any ways that we are repelling the things that we want and to help us turn ...
Here is today's communion meditation.
In Matthew 7:14 Jesus said that the path or road that leads to life is narrow. Some versions translate it as being hard, difficult, or constricted but the original Greek word used for narrow means to be compressed. The road that leads to life is compressed. Life tries to put pressure on us to quit and conform to the pattern of the world.
One of the hardest parts of the path is learning to give ourselves and others the same grace God has given us. When people wrong us, it takes putting aside our ways to do continually good for them.
In today's communion we are asking God to help understand the road that leads to life and to persevere and keep making adjustments to stay on the path.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
In our health and fitness, the road can also feel compressed at times. Life has a way of trying to disrupt our rhythm. A big key is learning to make adjustments to stay in rhythm.
I am praying for you.
Here is today's communion meditation.
Lately I have been thinking about how grace overrides. In Genesis, it says that as long as the earth remains there will be seedtime and harvest or sowing and reaping. But I feel like God has been showing me lately that grace overrides. We have all probably sown things that we don't want multiplied back to us, and fortunately grace can override, so that we get better than we deserve.
In aviation the law of gravity can be overridden when the conditions are right with the law of lift. Lift can override gravity, just like grace can override sowing and reaping.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand how grace overrides and apply this principle consistently.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
One of the keys in fitness is to move with grace. One of the goals should be to expand what we can do while keeping it beautiful and graceful. If we continually practice within our limits we will improve over time.
...Here is today's communion meditation.
Lately we have talked about creating a virtuous cycle by outdoing one another in showing honor. We can also create a virtuous cycle with God by honoring him. In 1 Samuel 2:30 God says, "Those who honor me, I will honor."
And in Psalm 50:23 God says, " He who sacrifices a thank offering honors me."
One of the ways we can honor God is with consistent thanksgiving, and when we honor him, he will honor us. He will always outdo us in showing honor.
In today's communion we are asking God to help us honor him the way he desires.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
In 1 Corinthians 12 it says that God has given greater honor to the parts we consider less honorable. Taking care of the little parts of our body such as our feet, hands, eyes, etc is an important part of health. A tip I learned from a guy who lived to be 113 years old is to wash our feet before bed, rub the dead skin off with a pumice stone, and rub our feet down wit...
Here is today's communion meditation.
Yesterday we talked about Romans 12:10 which says to outdo one another in showing honor. When we do this, I think it creates a virtuous cycle where we begin to spiral upward. In life we can be in vicious cycles where it seems like we are spiraling out of control and everything compounds in the wrong direction or we can be in virtuous cycles where everything is working together for good and moving us forward.
Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God works everything together for our good, and we are asking him to help us create virtuous cycles that continually improve in every area of our life.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
In our fitness we can create cycles of training, where we rotate through different styles of training and all of the different styles work together for good. This is something I have been working on lately, and we should have some new cycles of training available soon.
I am praying for yo...
Here is today's communion meditation.
Romans 12:10 says to outdo one another in showing honor. Lately I have been coaching my daughter's tennis team, and in tennis it's hard to really play with someone who isn't skilled. But when you have someone who can really play it becomes much more fun. I think it's the same way in showing honor to one another. When we are constantly trying to outdo each other by being a blessing and showing honor it creates a virtuous cycle that is really fun.
Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God always outdoes us in showing honor. And we are asking him to help us honor him and to outdo one another in showing honor.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
If you are traveling or don't have access to your normal workout equipment what can you do?
I am praying for you.
Here is today's communion meditation.
Time is an interesting thing... it can seem to go by faster or slower. In the Spring, time often can feel like it's moving faster and the days can seem to go by really quickly. Time is a gift from God, and I think he expects us to learn to be in control of our time by learning how it speeds up and slows down.
When time is accelerating think of God accelerating you into what he has for you this year.
In today's communion we are asking to help us understand time and to make the most of accelerated time.
Today's Health and Fitness Tip
In our health we need the ability to accelerate our body/weights and to have a good set of brakes. These are both important qualities to train.
I am praying for you.
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