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Go...And God Will Be With You

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2021

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Here is today's communion meditation.

We have been discussing how God has anointed us to do good. He has equipped each of us with gifts and talents but sometimes the things he has anointed us to do seem impossible because we are looking at what we can do in our own strength instead of what God can do through us. This is where it takes trust to simply "Go," because we trust that he is with us. Last night while reading Hebrews 11 I saw it in a new way. The chapter starts with Now faith is confidence. At a very simple level faith is confidence in God and without faith(confidence in him) it is impossible to please him. 

In Exodus 4 is the story of God telling Moses to go lead his people out. Moses had been set apart from birth for this assignment but now when it is time to go Moses starts making excuses for why he can't go. He says he is not eloquent and he is slow of speech. But then God says the following...Go and I will help you speak and teach you what to do. 


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Pour Into Your Neighbors

Uncategorized Jun 06, 2021

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Here is today's communion meditation.

In 2 Kings 4 is the chapter of the widow woman who was about to have her sons taken from her because of debts. Elisha asks her what she has in her house and she says...Nothing. Then he asks again and she says she has a little bit of olive oil. He then tells her to borrow some vessels from her neighbors and pour the olive oil into the vessels. As long as she continues to pour into her neighbors vessels the oil continues to flow. But, when she stops the oil stops flowing. When it is done she has enough olive oil to pay off her debts and live off of the rest.

This story is symbolic of God's anointing flowing to be a blessing to our neighbors. Our bodies are called vessels or jars of clay. This woman was letting God's anointing flow to fill up her neighbors and when she did her needs were also taken care of. You have an anointing from God that is meant to be a blessing to the people around you and if you will make a commitment to...

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Get Your Anointing Flowing

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2021

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Here is today's communion meditation.

You have been given an anointing from God. Your anointing contains your special gifts that are meant to be a blessing to others along with power, health, and much more. But this anointing must be received from God and flow through you to others. 

I like to think of 3 levels of flow. First it must be received from God by faith. In Christ, God has given you a special equipping and empowering that nobody else has and we can receive it from him by thanking and praising him for it regularly. Then we have to get it flowing through us. This is where we often block the flow because we put the pressure on ourselves. God's anointing may prompt us to do things we never thought we could do and we must learn to rest, trust, and get out of the way. This anointing is not about what we can do, but what God can do through us. Putting the pressure on ourselves or thinking we are not worthy or capable can shut down the flow of God's anointing i...

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(Weekly Yearly Cycle) Anointed to Love Your Neighbor Today

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2021

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Here is this week's Yearly Cycle Update

At one point in my time while running my gym I became frustrated because I wanted to help people with more than just nutrition and exercise. I like helping people with their health but God had shown me so much about the Abundant Life Blueprint and I didn't feel I was getting to use it everyday. Then one day I came across a message by Bruce Wilkinson on the Prayer of Jabez. He said that he started asking God to send him opportunities to help people each day and that God would answer the prayer every day. He would simply strike up a conversation with whoever was around and new opportunities came each day. I started implementing this in my gym and all of sudden new opportunities came every day. 

We are entering into the summer and this time of the year is a reminder that God has given you an anointing to love the people right around you. There is equipping and empowering to do good each day for the people you interact with eac...

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Established on Better Promises

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2021

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Here is today's communion meditation.

In Hebrews 7 it says that we have a high priest in Jesus who meets our need. He is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, and exalted above the heavens and we have the amazing gift in the new covenant of being in him. 

Then in Hebrews 8 it says the following..."But the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs(the old covenant) as the the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, and it is established on better promises. The problem with the Old Covenant was that the people couldn't remain faithful to it and when they slipped up the punishment was severe...possibly whipped or stoned to death. 

But the New Covenant is different. God took us out of the way and made it all about Jesus rather than us. He also put everything we need within us including the power to live rightly. And God had this to say in Hebrews 8...

This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after th

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Changed by the Anointing

Uncategorized Jun 03, 2021

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Here is today's communion meditation.

This month our theme is Anointed. God has already anointed us and this anointing sets us apart as holy, empowers us by His Spirit, sets us apart for a specific role, and also makes us healthy.

In 1 Samuel 10 Samuel anoints Saul as the king of Israel. After he is anointed Samuel tells him he will be changed into a different person and to do whatever his hand found to do because God was with him. What are the things you know to do today? If you will make it a practice of keeping things simple and doing what you know to do each day trusting that God is with you it can transform your life. We often get weighed down by all of the uncertainties of life but if you will keep it simple and do what you know to do with a good attitude there is grace and anointing today to help. 

God's anointing in us and on us has the power to change us into a new person. After Saul was anointed the Spirit rushed upon him and he was changed into a new ...

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(June Message) Anointed

Uncategorized Jun 02, 2021

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Here is our message for June.

Every month is like a fresh start and if I had to start fresh training somebody through everything we do in the Abundant Life Blueprint the first thing I would want to get established in their life would be the 30 Day Prayer Challenge process of praying the daily prayer, creating a plan with God for the day of what they know for sure needs to be done, and executing those things with peace and joy as they trust that God is helping them. Combining this with staying tuned in throughout the day so that if God redirects their path they are ready to make adjustments is very powerful.  

If you will keep doing what you know to do each day and doing it with a good attitude you'll be amazed at where it leads you. The other big thing I would want to establish is taking communion daily. Recently God has been nudging me to record daily communion videos. This combination of the prayer challenge and daily communion is very powerful and if you did n...

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God's Word A Fire Within

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2021

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We have been talking about getting God's word and love established in our hearts. To be established means to be fixed and permanently set in place, and meditating on God's word can help it become established in our hearts. Last night I read Psalm 39 where David says that as he meditated, the fire burned; then he spoke with his tongue. As God's word gets established in our hearts it becomes like a fire within us and eventually we will speak it. This also reminded me of Luke 24 where Jesus walks with the disciples on the road to Emmaus. As he opened the scriptures to them their hearts burned within them.

God's word is like fire and as it gets established in our hearts it creates a fire within us that helps us do the right things. 

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Faith Decides

Uncategorized May 31, 2021

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Here is todays communion meditation.

Faith decides. To be in faith is to be single minded and make firm unwavering decisions based on God's promises. Yesterday, we looked at Job chapter 22:28 which says that if you decree a thing it will be established for you. In Hebrew the phrase decree a thing can be translated as "cut or divide a word or promise." 

Often in life we are faced with decisions or forks in the road and we will be tested to see which way we will go. It is at these key moments that we must firm up our decisions to stand on God's word. As long as we are wavering nothing will happen, but when we get to the place of a firm decision things start happening really quickly. 

In life circumstances will often come up that make it look like God's word isn't true and this is where we must cut or divide with his word, because His word is living and active, sharper than any two edged sword. Dividing and making decisions based on his word will help his promises ...

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Decree: And it Will Be Established

Uncategorized May 30, 2021

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Recently we have been talking about getting our hearts established in God's love and the righteousness of Jesus. To be established is to be firm, fixed, steadfast, and immovable. 

In Job 22 AMP it says that if we will establish God's word in our hearts then we can decide and decree a thing and it will be established, and the light of God's favor will shine upon your ways. 

Nothing happens in faith as long as we are wavering. Faith starts with a firm decision. Getting God's word and love established in our hearts should lead to making some different decisions. To decide is to kill off some options. Once we have come to a firm decision in our hearts then we can make some decrees and they will be established. 

When I think of the word decree I think of a governmental decree, which is a written statement. Several  times in my walk with God my faith has been tested and I had to come to the place of making a firm decision to do things his way. Almost every time the ne...

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