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Faith Comes by Hearing

Uncategorized Jan 21, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

Yesterday we talked about Zechariah 8:23 which says, "This is what the LORD Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”

But yesterday I quoted this verse incorrectly and said, "we see that God is with you," rather than "we have heard that God is with you." 

I was reminded that Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word or good news of Christ. And I was also reminded of the many times in the Bible where people heard a report of God/Jesus and it sparked their faith. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand how faith comes by hearing the word of Christ and practically apply our understanding to our lives. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

This is the time of year when many people fall off of their new year's resolutions. And it...

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A More Efficient Way

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2023

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Here is this week's Yearly Cycle update.

January is a time to be thinking about ways to become more efficient. This year our focus is "God Saved the Best Until Now," and part of walking in God's best is being efficient. In everything we do there is a best or better way to operate so that we are highly efficient. 

This week let's spend some time seeking God about his way of doing things so that we become highly efficient in everything we do. 

Here is our filter for this week... A More Efficient Way

I am praying for you. 


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We See God is With You

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

The other day I had something for sale, and it was in very high demand, so much so that people were begging me to have it and not sell it to anyone else. This reminded me of Zechariah 8:23 which says, "This is what the LORD Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”

When people see something they really want they will take action immediately, and I believe this is what our relationship with God is supposed to be like, because our lives have been so transformed that people want to go along with us.

In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand this concept and for Him to transform our lives in such a way that people see and hear that God is with us and they want to go with us as well. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

In my years of training people in t...

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Good for Building Up

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

The other day we looked at Acts 20:32 which says word of God's grace can build us up and give us an inheritance. And yesterday we looked at Jude 1:20-21 which says, " But you, beloved, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God as you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life.

Ephesians 4:29 says, "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

The word of God's grace can build us up but then it also needs to flow through us to others so that it gives them grace and builds them up. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us speak consistently in such a way that it builds others up and gives grace to those who hear. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

The world has taught us to tear down and break down our body in...

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Build Yourself Up

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

Yesterday we looked at Acts 20:32 which says word of God's grace can build us up and give us an inheritance. While thinking about this Jude 1:20-21 came to mind which says, " But you, beloved, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God as you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life.

And 1 Corinthians 14:4 says "The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesies builds up the church. I wish that all of you could speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy."

I think there is a progression to this... The word of God's grace builds us up, then we can build ourselves up, and then we can build others up. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand the importance of building ourselves up and how to do it the way he intended. And we are asking him to help us walk in this so th...

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Built Up by the Word of God's Grace

Uncategorized Jan 17, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

Lately I have been thinking about Acts 20:32 which says "Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." 

It is the word of God's grace, the word of God being willing to use his power on our behalf even though we don't deserve it, that can build us up and give us an inheritance. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand the word of his grace and how it can build us up. And we are asking him to build us up by the word of His grace. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

Going for a walk or run with God is a great way to connect with God while also improving health.

I am praying for you.


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Tsavah - Charged

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

 In the Old Testament when David charged Solomon with building the temple for God, the word for charge is the Hebrew word "tsavah." This word reminds me of a charge like a burst of energy. What has God charged us to do? When we find this charge there will be a burst of energy, it will be exciting. This year our message is " God Saved the Best Until Now," but in order to walk in God's best I think we need to be clear on his charge for our life.

One of the biggest indicators of this charge is energy, just the thought of it will be energizing. While things that are not part of our charge can feel heavy and weigh us down, things that are suited to our purpose will bring a burst of energy and excitement. The word tsavah in Hebrew is also related to a pile of rocks. Think of these rocks like steppingstones that lead us to our charge. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand the concept of tsavah, get clear o...

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Hearts Strengthened by Grace

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2023
Abundant Life Training Center
Hearts Strengthened by Grace

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Here is today's communion meditation.

 Hebrews 13:9 says, "Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by eating ceremonial foods, which is of no benefit to those who do so."

It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace. Recently I heard someone say God's grace is his willingness to use his ability for us even though we don't deserve it, and this is good news. 

In today's communion meditation we are asking God to help us understand his grace and for our hearts to be strengthened by his grace. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

When I think of the phrase strengthened by grace, I am reminded of the best way I have found to help someone get strong, which is what is called Easy Strength. Easy strength is done by lifting lighter to medium weights very consistently. When this is done consistently it seems to produce increases in strength faster than anything I have found. 

I am praying...

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Understanding the 2 Sides

Uncategorized Jan 14, 2023

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Here is today's communion meditation.

Yesterday we talked about the 2 connector questions, which are: 

1) What energizes, motivates, excites a person?

2) What pushes their buttons... gets them angry, frustrated, weighed down, etc? 

Something I have observed is that in our relationships we tend to be focused more on the energizing motivating side of these questions or we are more focused on the button pushing side. As an example, for most of us our natural tendency in our relationship with God is to talk about what is pushing our buttons rather that what is new and exciting. As another example, in any business or organization the leaders tend to want to talk about what is new and exciting while those working in the day-to-day operations want to talk about what is pushing their buttons.

In marriage often one spouse is focused more on one side while the other is focused on the other side. And something else I have observed is that if one person is focused on th...

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Continual Learning

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2023
Abundant Life Training Center
Continual Learning

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Here is this week's Yearly Cycle update.

 As we get started with a new year it's a reminder to be continually learning. As we spend time with God, he will help us get clear on his plan and purpose for our life. And we must develop some skills along the way to walk it out, but thankfully God will be our mentor and send us mentors as well. 

This is a good time to think about what new skills or capabilities you want to develop this year. Another aspect of continual learning is learning about God and yourself. There is always something new to learn about God and we can also learn our motivations, desires, things that push your buttons, etc. What have you learned about God and yourself over the last year?

Here is our filter for this week... Continual Learning. 

I am praying for you. 


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