Good morning!
Today is Thoughtful Thursday ( The Purpose & Community Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Today do something thoughtful for someone else. Connect them with something they need or do something to make their day.
This is the purpose and community accelerator.
We each have a unique gifting that is meant to serve the community of people around us, and one of the ways to do this is by looking for opportunities to help people with your gifts, talents, resources, network, etc.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This month we are talking about Resetting the Imagination.
And Deuteronomy 28:2 gives us an amazing image to stir into the imagination.
It says, "And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, if you obey the voice of the LORD your God."
The original Hebrew word for "overtaken," is a picture of God chasing after us with blessings and catching us.
And the good news is that Jesus obeyed ...
Good morning!
Today is Work in the Flow Wednesday ( The Health & Time Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Wednesday is a reminder to work in flow with the Holy Spirit... Our indicators are peace and joy.
Health is a frequency, and working with peace and joy changes the internal environment.
Think about how much time we waste worrying, complaining, feeling down, venting, etc.
What could we accomplish if we reinvested that time into productive work with God.
Focus on the emotional state you do everything in today, and if possible, work deeply on things that will really make a difference.
Here is today's communion meditation.
The other day I was reading Deuteronomy 26:9 and the promised land is described as "A land flowing with milk and honey."
While reading this verse the word "flowing," seemed to jump off the page.
The promised land was not a land of stagnation, it was a land of flow.
The Hebrew word used for flow can al...
Good morning!
Today is Transformation Tuesday (The Family & Order Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Tuesday is a reminder that the way to get to the next level in anything is to make the most of your current level.
Make it a goal to transform every environment you go into...
We can transform our spiritual environment by beholding the glory of God.
We can transform our inner world by renewing our mind to God's love and truth.
We can transform our home, workplace, etc by creating more order and bringing peace and joy into the environment.
We can also transform difficult or adverse situations, through God's grace, power, and wisdom that's within us.
Here is today's communion meditation.
Click Here for the Video and Audio
This month we are talking about Resetting the Imagination.
And a big part of the imagination is dreams and visions.
In Joel 2:28 God said, "“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your s...
Good morning!
Today is Memorial Monday - The Financial Accelerator.
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Mondays are a reminder that a Memorial Portion, just one very small step of faith, can help you remember that God is with you and He's more than enough. One small step of faith can open up a supernatural flow of whatever you need.
When Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves, it started with just a little bit of bread and fish.
When the widow woman was down to her last meal Elijah had her make him a small cake first.
If finances are tight... Give a few dollars.
If a relationship is strained... Do one small kind act for the person.
If you are pressed for time... Give away a few minutes to someone else.
If something looks overwhelming take one small step in that direction.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This month we are talking about Resetting the Imagination.
And little kids are amazing at playing with their imagination.
...Good morning!
Today is Sabbath Sunday ( The Knowledge Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
It's very important to take a day to rest each week. It's a time to cease from our work and remember that it's God working in and through us.
When we rest and get into a rhythm with God, it allows us to greatly accelerate our knowledge of God and of ourselves.
Take some time to rest, spend time with God, and do something that you find enjoyable and refreshing.
This is also a time to reflect back on the last week, make adjustments, and plan for the next week.
There is no communion meditation today, but here are some questions to help you make adjustments.
Hey everyone!
Today is Speak Life Saturday (The Faith Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Focus on speaking life today... With the words that you speak and the tone you speak with.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
Let your speech always be seasoned with grace.
Here is this week's Yearly Cycle communion meditation.
We are getting close to the start of the 40 Days of Teshuva which start on September 4th. Teshuva is a time to turn or repent and make adjustments.
This is a good time to be thinking about getting into unity and agreement with people.
Being in agreement with the people in your life is a very powerful force, but to be in agreement we must often humble ourselves.
How can you take steps to get into better agreement with the important people in your life.
I am praying for you.
P.S. The 2024 Yearly Cycle Calendar is below.
Good morning!
Today is Fellowship Friday - The Love Accelerator
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
1 John 1:7 says, "But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
To walk in the light is also to walk in love, and the indicator is that we have fellowship with one another.
If there are any strained relationships, how could you take steps toward restored fellowship today?
And make it a priority to fellowship with people today.
Here is today's communion meditation. ( There is no video/audio today)
This month we are talking about Resetting the Imagination.
One of the most powerful communion meditations I’ve done came from Matthew 16 and Mark 8, when Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves. Thousands of people were in a remote place and didn’t have any food. They were in an impossible-looking situation. And Jesus took the little bit of bread and fish they had, look...
Good morning!
Today is Thoughtful Thursday ( The Purpose & Community Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Today do something thoughtful for someone else. Connect them with something they need or do something to make their day.
This is the purpose and community accelerator.
We each have a unique gifting that is meant to serve the community of people around us, and one of the ways to do this is by looking for opportunities to help people with your gifts, talents, resources, network, etc.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This month we are talking about Resetting the Imagination.
In the gospels Jesus gives us some amazing pictures that we can use to reset our imagination.
In Matthew 6:26-30 Jesus said, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your ...
Good morning!
Today is Work in the Flow Wednesday ( The Health & Time Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Wednesday is a reminder to work in flow with the Holy Spirit... Our indicators are peace and joy.
Health is a frequency, and working with peace and joy changes the internal environment.
Think about how much time we waste worrying, complaining, feeling down, venting, etc.
What could we accomplish if we reinvested that time into productive work with God.
Focus on the emotional state you do everything in today, and if possible, work deeply on things that will really make a difference.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This month we are talking about Resetting the Imagination.
And we can reset our imagination to being carried along or in flow with the Holy Spirit.
2 Peter 1:21 says, "For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit."
Think of...
Good morning!
Today is Transformation Tuesday (The Family & Order Accelerator)
(You can learn more about the 7 Accelerators here)
Tuesday is a reminder that the way to get to the next level in anything is to make the most of your current level.
Make it a goal to transform every environment you go into...
We can transform our spiritual environment by beholding the glory of God.
We can transform our inner world by renewing our mind to God's love and truth.
We can transform our home, workplace, etc by creating more order and bringing peace and joy into the environment.
We can also transform difficult or adverse situations, through God's grace, power, and wisdom that's within us.
Here is today's communion meditation.
This month we are talking about Resetting the Imagination.
In Genesis 15:5 God gave Abraham a very powerful image to help his faith in the area where he struggled the most... not having a child.
And I think this vision or image helped Abra...
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