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September Updates

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2020

Yearly Cycle Updates

40 Days of Teshuva
We are currently in the 40 Days of Teshuva. This is a time or repentance and taking action. To repent means to turn. If you will begin to make adjustments this is a time when things will often turn. Take action on anything in your conscience, work on crossing items off your mental to-do list, and reconcile all relationships, including financial relationships. If there are any bills you need to get current on then take steps in the right direction.

Fri 9/18 - Feast of Trumpets
The evening of Sept, 18th starts the Feast of Trumpets. This night is like the Jewish New Year, and we eat apples with honey to symbolize it will be a sweet new year. This evening also starts the 10 Days of Awe, which are the 10 days leading up to the Day of Atonement. During these 10 days I do a Daniel Fast. These will often be 10 of the most productive days of the whole year.

9/27-9/28 Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement is the final day of the 40 Days of Teshuva and the...

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8/28/20 Yearly Cycle Updates

Uncategorized Aug 28, 2020

Here is this weeks Yearly Cycle Updates

We are into the 40 Days of Teshuva, which means repentance. To repent means to turn. We are in the heat of the year, which is often a time of increased pressure. If you are feeling some pressure or like things are overwhelming right now, it is a signal to slow down, simplify, and make some adjustments. These situations can turn, if you will apply a combination of standing firm in the faith and increasing your presence. Presence turns the tables allowing God's grace, strength, and power to flow.

To tap into this power increase your presence and your awareness of God's presence with you. God refers to himself as "I Am," not " I Was," or "I Will Be"  The grace he has for you is available right now in the present moment, but you must learn to roll away the past and stop worrying about the future to tap into the grace that is available. 

This is a time of the year when we are reminded of God's standard of grace in our lives. His standard is that we...

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Starting 40 Days of Teshuva

Uncategorized Aug 22, 2020

Here are some key takeaways.

  • These 40 days are the days leading up to the Day of Atonement.
  • This is a time to repent and make adjustments.
  • What are you procrastinating on?
  • Are there any relationships that need reconciling?
  • How would you like to be married to you? Whatever negatives you answer with begin to make adjustments. 
  • This is often a time of increased pressure. If there is pressure right now it is meant to teach you to stand firm in your faith. Slow down, make adjustments, and keep your eyes focused on God.
  • A great habit to get into is going for daily walks with God. 
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40 Days and The 8th Date

Uncategorized Aug 18, 2020

This Friday Aug 21st starts a special time on God's calendar called the 40 Days of Teshuva. These are the 40 days that lead up to the Day of Atonement. It has been said that these 40 days are a time when God will often miraculously answer prayer. It is also a time to focus on repenting and correcting anything that is off track.

August is often a time to refocus. If you have drifted off track at all this year, these 40 days are a time to make adjustments and get things righted. 

In a few weeks the new book The 8th Date will be available but in the mean time I will be teaching the content from the book live every Friday in the Abundant Life Blueprint Facebook group. If you are already in the Abundant Life Blueprint you don't need to do anything. If you would like to join you can go here. 

The 8th Date is about understanding grace and restoring a new standard to our lives. These 40 days are a great time to start implementing all of this. Down below are links to videos with the introduc...

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Dealing With Pressure

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2020

As we get ready to move into August, we are moving into the heat of the year. On God's calendar this is a time where there may be some increased pressure. Heat and pressure are very correlated. Many times we view pressure as a bad thing but our bodies need some pressure to be healthy. A blood pressure of 0 is not good. God uses the pressure to mature us and when handled correctly it will actually accelerate our progress. When pressure comes it is a cue to slow down, simplify, make adjustments, and still look to be a blessing. 

Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet with a friend I hadn't seen since February. The last time we met we discussed understanding God's grace and he said that the conversation changed his life. We discussed the concept of how we respond when people push our buttons or get under our skin. Our natural tendencies are to retaliate or withdraw and give people the silent treatment, but God's standard is that we would do continually good for others just like God is d...

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Doing Good

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2020

The Bible tells us that Jesus grew in favor with God and man. July is a reminder that we have God's favor on our lives, but how do we grow in favor with God and man? I believe the answer is serving, creating value, and being a blessing to others.

When we help others we grow in favor with God and man. We all have a tendency to want to retaliate, give people the silent treatment, or avoid others when they wrong us, but God's standard is to continually do good all the time.

All day long there are opportunities hidden in our day to be a blessing to others, but we often miss them because we are too busy or focused on other things. One way to start seeing more of these opportunities is to use your imagination before bed. Begin to visualize the upcoming day of the people around you. This could be your spouse, kids, co-workers, employees, etc. How could you keep them from pain or surprise them with something that would make their day? Then as you go through the day be sensitive to opportunit...

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Miracle Year Kindle Version Available

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2020

The kindle version of the The Miracle Year: God's Blueprint for Breakthrough is now available on Amazon. 

Click Here for the Kindle Version

I am hoping that the printed book will be available sometime next week as we had a few delays in getting the formatting for the print version finalized. 

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Stay In Your Seat

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2020

When I played college baseball I had the opportunity to be around an amazing hitting instructor who could transform hitters very rapidly. 

His number one verbal cue for hitting with power was “ STAY IN YOUR SEAT.”

He had a way that he taught his hitters to use their hips and legs to transfer the power of the swing by keeping their hips in an imaginary chair. When the hitter left his seat he lost the connection with his power.

This is our number one cue in the mechanics of transferring God’s power into the world “STAY IN YOUR SEAT.”

We have been seated in heavenly places with Christ at God’s right hand where he is working for our good. Staying in our seat is the source of power. Just like a pitcher tries to negate the hitter's power, life is trying to pull us out of our seat. Life is throwing demands, needs, and issues at us all the time and we must make contact with them by staying in our seat. When we stay in our seat God’s power is backing us, but when we leave our seat we are do...

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Simple and Effective Workout Options

Uncategorized Jul 06, 2020

One of the most effective workout programs I have ever used with clients was a series of 5 minute sets that would have 1-3 exercises and the goal would be to squeeze in as much work as possible in those 5 minutes. 

Recently I have been experimenting with doing this with the bodyweight warm-ups. So far I have enjoyed doing these and they are very time efficient and effective. 

If you have been doing the daily squats, pushups, and situps for a while and would like a little variety here is what I have been doing. 

Day 1 - 5 Minutes of squats, pushups, and situps. I usually do 15-25 reps of each and rotate from one exercise to the next. 

Day 2 - 5 Minutes of burpees

Day 3 - (More advanced) 5 Minutes of squat jumps, clapping pushups, and mountain climbers. I usually do 5-10 reps on the jumps and pushups and 15-20 per side of mountain climbers. 

I use these as part of the warmup so the goal is to get as much work as possible without wiping myself out. 


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Movement and breath

Uncategorized Jul 01, 2020

Last night I was stretching before bed and was reminded that I forgot one of the most important parts of movement and exercise... breathing. 

The simple adjustment of focusing more on my breathing while stretching made a huge difference. 

It seems that every other culture in the world has a system for combining movement with breath, but in our culture we often forget the importance of this. Examples include yoga and tai chi. 

Focusing on your breathing has the ability to increase presence, which keeps us from just going through the motions. It also helps to unite your entire spirit, soul, and body. 

If you are exercising or stretching, make sure to keep an eye on your breathing. 

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