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Love Protects

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

We are focusing on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

One of the keys to financial stewardship is protecting what God has entrusted to us, because love always protects.

As we look over what God has entrusted to us an important question to ask is... What risks are there in my finances?

Do you have insurance in place such as health insurance, car insurance, umbrella policies, life insurance, wills or trusts, business liability insurance, etc. 

Also, if you have businesses or ministries are they structured properly with the right kind of entities?

Let's take some time over the next week to analyze how well everything is protected, because love always protects. 

Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God is love, and he always protects us. And we are asking for his help to show us how we can better protec...

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Yield to the Anointing

Uncategorized Sep 08, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

We are focusing on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

 When I was writing my book 7 Dates With Jesus, there was a time when the word "Yield," kept jumping out at me for several days. And then one day I heard these words... Yield to the anointing for wealth

Yesterday God reminded me of this. The reminder came in the form of one of my daughters resisting my wife and I while trying to help her with her homework. She had the ability to get the homework done in just a few minutes, but she was fighting us on it and refused to do the work. 

She would not yield to the ability God placed within her and she was making life hard on herself. 

God has given us an anointing for wealth, but we must stop resisting it and fighting against it because we are often making life harder on ourselves. We must be willing to yield to...

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The Financial Stewardship Challenge Part 1

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2022

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Here is the replay from last night's zoom on the Financial Stewardship Challenge.

In September we are focusing on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

Here is what we discussed last night...

  • Part of stewarding with God is using our money according to His will... which is to do good, build others up, and build relationships. 
  • Money is relational... We can't buy, sell, give, or receive alone.
  • Jesus tells us to use money to make friends. 
  • In all financial transactions (including giving), how we make people feel matters. 
  • 4 Keys to finances are... Being decisive and taking action, staying in a rhythm with God and understanding money has a timing component, trusting God and becoming trustworthy, and paying attention to the flow of money. 
  • Partnership is the table turner for finances. It takes the pressure off and makes everything easier. 
  • If we get anything out of this challenge it should be to...
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The Flow of Finances

Uncategorized Sep 07, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

We are focusing on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

 An important key to stewarding finances is understanding the flow of money. There are several levels of financial flow to consider...

  1. When people are fearful, they tend to hoard money and hang onto it which slows down the flow of money in the economy because money is relational. We must learn to keep circulating money out of faith and trust in God. 
  2.  Cash flow is really important. We must learn to make financial decisions with cash flow in mind, and a big part of cash flow is the timing of when money is coming in and going out. 
  3. The flow of money through our financial accounts or structure is also important. How can we set up the flow of money to provide for better accounting while also reducing liability and taxes. 

In today's communion we are asking...

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Transactions Require Trust

Uncategorized Sep 06, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

We are focusing on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

Trust is one of the biggest keys to both finances and stewardship. All financial transactions require trust, and when trust is high money flows. When we exchange money with others, we want to know that they are going to do what they said, are skilled and knowledgeable, are not going to rip us off, and that they have good intentions. 

Part of our role in being stewards is becoming highly trustworthy... which means we need to keep our word, be highly skilled and knowledgeable, and have good intentions to be a blessing in all transactions. The more trustworthy we are the more money flows to us. 

Today's communion is a time of gratitude that God is the ultimate example of someone who is trustworthy, and we can put our full trust in him. And we are asking for his...

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Financial Trust

Uncategorized Sep 05, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

We are focusing on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

Stewardship means we are managing God's resources, and he wants his will done with his resources. One of the tests I believe we must pass is learning to walk in love consistently even when people wrong us financially. Emotions are one of the strongest drivers of emotions for most people. If you mess with people's money, they will usually let you know pretty quickly.

But, as stewards of God's resources he has called us to a higher standard of walking in love consistently. When someone wrong's us financially, we can let it go and forgive, because we trust that God will make it right. 

In today's communion we are asking God for wisdom and understanding of why walking in love by trusting God is so important. And we are asking him to help us walk in this at highe...

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Build in Margin

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

Over the next month we are going to focus on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

An important step in finances is to build some margin into our budget, where things are not so tight all the time. Something I have learned is that when we build margin into the budget, God's grace seems to flow. Margin allows you to handle the unexpected in a graceful way. 

In today's communion we are asking God to help us understand the connection between margin and grace. And we are asking for his help to build margin into our budgets consistently. 

Today's Health and Fitness Tip

We can also build margin into our workouts. Do your best and make your workouts beautiful but leave a little margin.

I am praying for you.


P.S. Register for the Financial Stewardship Challenge Here - If you are already a partner you don't need...

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Partnership Turns the Tables

Uncategorized Sep 03, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

We are going to focus on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

Our first step was taking accounting by listing out all of your current assets, liabilities(debts), and expected expenses and income for this month. 

Yesterday we talked about taking quick action on the things we know to do because... Money Likes Speed.

But how we make decisions with our finances is very important. I view partnership as the table turner for finances. It is the one thing that can turn finances around faster than anything else. But this means that all financial decisions need to be made in full agreement with all of the partners. 

Our first partner is God. If you are married, your spouse is the next partner that must be in agreement with all decisions. If you have business partners, partners in ministry, etc then decisions need to also ...

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Teshuva - What Do You Know To Do?

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2022

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Here is this week's Yearly Cycle Update.

We are almost a week into the 40 Days of Teshuva. Teshuva = turning or repenting. This is an amazing time of year for answered prayer and making adjustments. 

These 40 days are a reminder to make adjustments and course correct any areas that are off track. It's also a reminder to DO WHAT YOU KNOW TO DO. What are you procrastinating on? This is the time to take action

One of the areas of focus on taking action is in the area of finances. This month our focus is on financial stewardship. Are there any financial steps that you know to take... specifically any relationships that are being strained because of financial reasons. If so, how can you take a step to make it right?

Here is this week's filter(reminder) to write at the top of our journals each day... Teshuva - What do you know to do?

I am praying for you. 


P.S. The Yearly Cycle Calendar for 2022 is down below.

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Money Likes Speed

Uncategorized Sep 02, 2022

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In September we are starting a new focus with The Financial Stewardship Challenge...

Over the next month we are going to focus on becoming great stewards who manage, multiply, and greatly increase all that God has entrusted to us.

One of our first steps is to take an accounting of what has been entrusted to us. 

Here is an action step to take sometime over the next couple of days...

List out all of your current assets, liabilities(debts). Then list your expected expenses and income for this month. 

We will talk more about what to do with these this month. 

While we are working on this step, here is an important principle for Financial Stewardship... Money Likes Speed.

Having had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with millionaires and a few billionaires these people make fast decisions when they know what to do. They don't drag their feet.

This month we are going to be looking at the Parable of the Talents and the Parable of the Minas as examples of s...

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