Today is the feast of Purim. In the Jewish culture it is celebrated with fasting during the daylight hours today follow by feasting in the evening. This is to symbolize how quickly God can turn the tables and take us from fasting to feasting.
Purim is the day when the tables were turned. In the Abundant Life Blueprint each area of life has what we call a Table Turner. The table turner is the number one thing to focus on, because it puts you in control and can turn around bad situations quickly.
Here are some of the Table Turners...
Jesus is the most important table turner
Taking regular communion is a table turner
Grace and forgiveness are table turners.
The imagination is the table turner for your mind and emotions
Rhythm is the table turner for your energy.
Getting in agreement with your spouse is a table turner for your finances.
Submitting to authority is a table turner for order
Resting( especially mentally) a the table turner for your time
Scribing the Bible is a...
Tomorrow evening the feast of Purim starts. Purim is a reminder that Jesus is your table turner.
Purim comes from the book of Esther and is the story of a quick turnaround. There was a law written that was going to destroy the Jewish people and in those days once a law was written it could not be undone. Queen Esther asks the king to write a new law that overrides the first law. This new law turned the tables and put the Jewish people in control.
This event is symbolic of Jesus. He turned the tables by bringing in the New Covenant which overrides the Old. In the Old Testament to be right with God you had to keep a standard that none of us could keep. In the New Testament we can be right with God by simply believing in Jesus.
In the Jewish culture tomorrow is a fast during the daylight hours followed by a feast in the evening. This symbolizes the quick turnaround from fasting to feasting.
Take some time to meditate over the next few days on a couple of...
In the quantum world of science there is a duality that matter can either be a particle or it can be a wave. It can take either form, but it is determined by the observer. If the observer is looking for a particle then it will be a particle. If the observer is looking for a wave they will see a wave.
It all depends on what you are looking for. I think much of life is the same way. In your interactions with people if you are looking for the good then you will see the good. If you are focused on the bad then that is what you will see.
It is hard to see both at the same time. Something I have found is that if you focus on the light(God) darkness fades away. Many bad habits and things that you have been trying for years to stop will effortlessly fade out of your life when you simply focus only on the light.
What's New
Next week in the Abundant Life Blueprint there will be live training on Building Healthy Families, and the idea of focusing on what your spouse and...
Every new month is like a fresh start and I like to work on developing new habits.
One way I like to do this is by thinking about 2 areas....
For your biggest weakness, what is the one area that is holding you back the most? It could be spiritual life, mindset, emotions, health, relationships, money, time, work, an addiction, etc? It's time to fix the leak. Begin to seek God on this area.
The problem is you may not know what your biggest weakness is but Romans 8:26 says that the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We may not know what to pray for but the Spirit intercedes for us. If you will seek he will show you.
Biggest strengths
What strengths do you have that if developed you could be world class at? What is your God given super power and what habit could you develop to help you practice more?
Once you know the strengths and weaknesses do the following...
Lately I have been pondering 1 John 1:7. It says " If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus purifies us from all sins."
Recently I have been going for walks with God and he has been bringing to life scriptures about walking. When you go for walks with God, who is light, it seems to lead to better fellowship with people. It has increased my prayers for others and my feeling of connection with others.
Another way of thinking about walking in the light is walking in total transparency with nothing hidden. As you do this it also increases your fellowship and connection with others.
The other thing about this verse is walking in the light purifies us. Galatians says that if we will walk in the spirit then we will not satisfy the desires of the flesh.
The key takeaways for today...
Go for consistent walks with God. ( Set an appointment time)
It will lead to better fellowship and relationships. And it will...
Last month I had a goal to go for walks every day with God. Every night before bed I would evaluate my progress. But, a few weeks into the month there were a lot of zero's for walks with God. So I made an adjustment and set a consistent time every day to walk with him.
Amos 3:3 says do two walk together unless they have made an appointment.
Try setting an appointment time where you meet with God regularly. This is your most important meeting of the day.
However, do not be surprised when life tries to make you miss your appointment.
What's New
Next week in the Abundant Life Blueprint there will be live training on Building Healthy Families.
Yearly Cycle Update
Purim is Monday March 9/10. It is a reminder that Jesus is the table turner and of how quickly God can turn bad situations around.
Life is full of paradoxes and the truth is usually found in the balance of two opposites.
Anytime you are asking whether you should do one thing or another thing you are asking the wrong question and it will throw you out of balance. A better question is " how do these two things work together."
Here are some practical examples...
Should you eat plant based or animal protein... both
Should you do cardio or lift weights... both
Should you be strict or flexible... both
Should you be a specialist or generalist.. both
Should you focus on the little details or big picture... both
Should you go fast or slow... both
Should you be all in or take a gentle approach... both
Start thinking more and/both rather than either/or
The feast of Purim starts the evening of March 9th this year and goes through the evening of March 10th. Purim comes from the book of Esther. There was a law written that was going to wipe out the Jewish people. In those days once a law was written it could not be undone. Queen Esther petitioned the king and asked him to write a new law that would override the previous law. The Bible tells us that the new law turned the tables and gave the Jewish people the right to attack anyone who was attacking them.
Purim is the table turner day. The table turner is the one thing that puts you in control in life. When Jesus went into the temple he actually turned over the tables. Jesus is the table turner. The Old Covenant used to be in place. And it was eye for eye and tooth for tooth. If you did well you were blessed, but if you did bad you were cursed. Jesus turned the tables by bringing in the New Covenant. It does not do away with the old but overrides it. Jesus even said he did not...
The other day inside of the Abundant Life Blueprint I had the opportunity to discuss doing business in a Biblical or Kingdom of God way with LeAnn Pearson Marrale.
Down below is a portion of the conversation. If you are in business you should take the time to listen to this.
Click Here for the Audio
Here is some of what we discussed...
How to close the gap of integrating your God given vision with the best business practices.
You don't do Kingdom Business. You live a Kingdom lifestyle and infuse it into your business.
Trust and transparency are vital components to Kingdom Business.
Many people try to copy others in business but your business should be unique to you.
A kingdom business should be unique, know their niche of who they serve, have a strategic vision, and have a Kingdom organizational structure.
The best businesses in the world usually have a two person team at the top with a visionary and an integrator.
Recently I have been experimenting with something that seems to speed up recovery from workouts. If you have a hard workout and feel like you are going to be sore or stiff the next day try stretching your body very gently before bed. The harder the workout the gentler the stretch. On days that I do my main workouts I have been doing a very light stretch before bed and adding the Touchpoints. I do the normal evening stretching routine but with a gentle stretch.
In my book Cracking Heaven's Code I talked about code number 3 which sends the signal to the body to restore potential and become like new again. Gentleness sends this signal. I have found that when I do this I wake up the next morning and it feels like my body has been completely restored. This seems to also work with nagging joint pain.
Try this out and let me know if it works.
P.S. When you join the Abundant Life Blueprint you will get a copy of Cracking Heaven's Code along with the Online Course.
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