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Walk With God

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2020

I think one of the best habits you can develop is going for walks with God. Literally go for a 10+ minute walk with God. You do this by walking and having a conversation with God.  I have found the more consistently I do this the better things go, but I often rationalize that I don't have time or have too many other things to do. But I have come to the conclusion that this needs to be a high priority.

Here are some scriptures to think about...

Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with the wise grows wise

Galatians 5:16 Walk in the spirit and you will not satisfy the desires of the flesh

Genesis 5:25 + Hebrews 11:5 Enoch walked with God and it pleased God

Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they have agreed to meet


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Leadership Insecurity

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2020

Recently in the Abundant Life Blueprint we have been discussing leadership and insecurity. 

Something I have learned is that insecurity steals presence. Leaders often have self doubt and insecurities because they know their weaknesses and feel like they have to have all the answers. Insecurity can cause you to turn inward and hide rather than being externally focused. If you are a leader your team can feel this and they may even say that it seems like you are not present, even though you are trying to be. 

The key to overcoming this is to take your eyes off of yourself. Focus on what God can do through you and on making the people around you better. This will increase your security, presence, and vulnerability so that you better connect with the people you are leading. 

P.S. If you are interested in the Abundant Life Blueprint you can learn more here. 



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Stubborn Shoulder

Uncategorized Feb 18, 2020

I have had a stubborn right shoulder for about 15 years. It would often crack, pop, and be very tight.  I have worked on it and stretched it but nothing ever seemed to last. There is a stretch where you put your hand behind your back and see how high up your back you can take your hand. For a long time there has been a huge difference between my right and left. It came from playing baseball. 

But, recently I started trying a much gentler approach. I started doing that same stretch but very gently and adding the Touchpoints by giving a light touch to the areas that felt restricted. I have seen more change in my shoulder from this gentle approach than anything I have ever tried. 

The other day I was reading in Zechariah and in verse 7:11 God says the people turned a stubborn shoulder to him.  I didn't realize there was such a thing as a stubborn shoulder, but that is the phrase God uses. The stubborn shoulder was an unwillingness to change. Whether it is a stubborn...

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Middle Schooler Dunks

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2020

Recently the mother of a middle school basketball player asked what her son could do to jump higher so that he could dunk. He could already touch the rim but couldn't dunk. 

I said that if he would start stretching every night before bed that he would probably dunk within 30 days. A few days ago I received confirmation that he had indeed dunked - it took 25 days. 

If you or someone you know needs to get faster or jump higher for a sport one of the fastest ways is improving flexibility. By becoming more flexible you take the friction out of the body allowing for better performance, speed, and power.

When you stretch make sure to stretch gently and to add Touchpoints by giving a light touch with your hand to any areas that feel tight or restricted. 

What's New

In the Abundant Life Blueprint I have been adding a new series of workouts that creates an ongoing path for progress. When you join you'll receive all of the workouts along with tracking sheets, exercise demos,...

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Limited Resources

Uncategorized Feb 15, 2020

Back when I started writing my first book 7 Dates With Jesus I was worried about finding someone to edit my books, because I had no experience editing or publishing a book. Then one day I was at church and met a friend who was interested in health and fitness. I felt a nudge on the inside to invite him to come workout with me. 

As we worked out together a few times, I found out that he was the editor of the Virginia Tech magazine and he had helped a few other people with their books. 

I asked if he would be willing to take a look at what I had written. What I sent him was a complete mess. It was similar to journal entries with no structure or organization. He sent it back to me a few weeks later and it looked like a book. 

In this process I learned that I was limiting God. I had been hesitant to start writing because I didn't think I had the resources to edit and publish the book. What I learned is that if you will take a step of faith God already has people lined up...

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I Like Cake

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2020

One of my daughters really likes to bake. A few weeks ago she made a 2 layer gingerbread cake. I tried a piece and it was really good. The problem was that I couldn't stop eating it. Over the course of a few days I had several pieces of cake.. 

When it comes to nutrition I think it's important to have freedom, where no foods are off limits. But, I also think it's important to know yourself. When my daughter makes cupcakes I have no problem either resisting them or eating just a little bit. However, when she makes a big cake I have a hard time keeping my portions in control. It triggers me to overeat. 

Is there a food that triggers you to get out of control? If so it is probably best to avoid these foods. 

What's New

Today we are on Day 5 of the Proverbs 13:22 Book Writing Challenge and we will be discussing the importance of an encounter with the author. 

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What You May Have Missed

In January we completed the Isaiah 61:3 Fat Loss Challenge. ...

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Morning Indigestion

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2020

Recently someone asked me about digestive issues after breakfast. So, I asked about his normal breakfast routine. It was coffee, then a breakfast usually with eggs, avocado, and veggies. I suggested he switch the order and have water, then breakfast, then coffee. The next day he got back to me and said there were no more digestive issues and he has gone several weeks without any issues. 

Coffee is high in acids and it is beneficial for your digestion after you have eaten because it helps to breakdown your food. 

Coffee can be hard on an empty stomach. Coffee is different with food. Food with your coffee also slows down the absorption of the caffeine into your system making it last longer.  

The first thing you eat or drink every day influences your brain chemistry for the rest of the day. Water should be the first thing you have every day. This is also a spiritual principle in that the first thing you eat spiritually impacts your brain chemistry. Try starting...

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Procrastination Question

Uncategorized Feb 12, 2020

The other day I was getting the kids ready for school and one of my daughters was playing with toys. I asked her to get her socks and shoes on but when I checked a few minutes later she was still playing with her toys. This happened a few times and when it was time to leave she didn't have her shoes on. 

We had much different priorities. My priority was to get to school on time and her priority was to play with toys. I began to wonder if this is what we do to God at times. He is telling us to do things but we are off doing what we want to do. God is saying forgive that person, take this step, etc but we are busy doing what we think is more important. 

I think one of the best questions you can ask is " Is there something I know I am supposed to be doing that I haven't done yet?' If you will ask this question God will give you an answer in about 30 seconds. Recently I asked this and immediately had the answer. I had written a book and received it back from the editor but I...

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Fixing Shoulder Pain

Uncategorized Feb 11, 2020

A few weeks ago I started having pain around my left shoulder blade. I was working on the area for a few days but not seeing results So, I prayed and asked God what was going on. The answer I received was to stretch the muscles around my neck, because my hips were now more flexible than my shoulders. 

Your neck and lower back/hips are a balancing pair. Before the shoulder blade pain I had been working on my flexibility in my legs and hips, but my hips became more flexible than my shoulders. Anytime there is an imbalance in the body it will lead to pain. 

There is a Biblical principle that everything connects to the head. Stretching your neck opens up the whole body. 

Here is what I did. I stretched my neck in every angle that I could think of and added Touchpoints by giving a light touch to any areas that felt tight or restricted. I did this before bed and the next morning the pain was completely gone. It also had a tremendous impact on my shoulder flexibility and my...

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Eliminating Hip Pain

Uncategorized Feb 10, 2020

The other day I had pain in my right hip. It felt unstable and at times like it was going to give out. I tried to stretch and work on the area but it wasn't helping.

Then I made a change. I started using a more gentle approach. I stretched, but very gently, and started to work on my mobility in the hip by only moving in ranges of motion that I could do without pain. I also added what I call touchpoints.

Touchpoints are done by giving a very light touch to areas that are tight, restricted, or painful during stretch/movement and then repeating the movement. 

Touchpoints are one of the most effective ways I have found to remove joint pain, increase flexibility, and improve exercise/sport performance. 

By the end of the day the pain was 90% gone and even better the next day. If you are experiencing pain try stretching gently (especially before bed) and using touchpoints. You will be amazed at the impact it has. This gentle approach requires humility, but God gives grace to the...

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