This is part 2 of the Other Half of Prayer from the 30 Day Prayer Challenge.
In the video above you will see a process for creating a plan for the day with God.
Here is how to do this...
February is a reminder that our foundation in life is meant to be God's word and last week we started the 30 Day Prayer Challenge based on praying God's word. The challenge is simple...pray the 2 minute prayer each day (there is a link to the prayer below this message).
But, prayer is meant to be a 2 way communication. When you finish praying the 2 minute prayer you are not quite done...take some time to listen.
Take a few minutes to be still and listen for what God says to you. Part of the 2 minute prayer is asking God to help us do what is right and best according to him today. But, in order to do this we need to listen to what he wants us to do.
Here is what to do.
Take out a pen and paper and write down anything you know you need to do today. Then write down anything that has been on your conscience(it's one of the ways God speaks to us)... such as pay a bill, forgive someone, spend more time with your family, start eating better, start exercising, etc. Then be still and li...
In the Old Testament there were two times when the foundation of the temple was laid in the 2nd month. February being the 2nd month is a reminder that God's word is supposed to be the foundation of our lives. One of the greatest ways to make God's word our foundation is by praying his word consistently.
With that in mind we are going to be starting a 30 Day Prayer Challenge next week. In this challenge I will be teaching the prayer that I pray over myself and all those around me everyday. When I first started the Abundant Life Blueprint my goal was to develop a program I could pass onto my kids and this prayer is one of the most important things I want to pass onto them.
This prayer can be seen in the video above and has taken shape over several years. It combines several scriptures into one prayer. It has scriptures from Isaiah 61, Colossians 1, Acts 4, 2 Timothy 1, and the bulk of it comes from Ephesians 1 and the Prayer of Jabez.
Next Tuesday night at 7pm EST I will be teachi...
God in his grace has given us access to an unlimited inexhaustible supply of his love, power, peace, patience, joy, kindness, energy, and much more, but we must learn to receive this and let it flow in our lives. For me personally this has meant learning a completely different but much better way to live. It also meant unlearning much of what I thought to be true. In many ways we block the flow of grace because we rely on ourselves or other people.
This training is meant to help us self assess how well this grace is flowing in our lives. Down below is a little more on the grace checkup.
Grace must be received from God, then it must flow through us, and out into the world.
The fruit of grace is that we see effortless growth and progress even when in tough situations.
First we must understand what God has made available and receive it by faith.
Then we must learn to let it flow through us by taking the pressure off of ourselves and getting out of the way.
Finally we must trust t...
In the Old Testament there were 2 times when the foundation of the temple was laid in the 2nd month. February being the 2nd month is a reminder that we need a solid foundation in our lives. In the Abundant Life Blueprint our foundation is built by trusting in God's word.
Trusting in God's word means we trust his intentions, that he will keep his promises, and that we trust his timing. Every area of our lives... Purpose, health, family, finances, order, time, and community are supposed to be built upon a foundation of trust in God. It is this trust that leads to beautiful solutions in each area of our lives.
Often in life we have problems or issues and we try to fix them, but usually our solutions lead to side effects and other issues we weren't expecting. For example, we focus on fixing a problem at work but it comes at the expense of our family or health.
A beautiful solution is one that happens by God's grace and it sets us free while also creating a ripple effect for good in ...
In January it can often feel like time is moving really quickly. This is a reminder that God has given us the ability to speed up our results in life. A big key to accelerating results is becoming more and more efficient.
There is the old story of a town that needs water and two guys take two different approaches to bring water to the town. The first guy grabs some buckets and runs down to the lake. He fills them up and carries them back. The second guy sits down and makes a plan to build a pipeline bringing the water to the town. After creating his plan he gets his friends to help him build the pipeline, and the town is forever grateful to him. The first guy worked a lot harder but the second guy got all the glory and probably put the first guy out of business because he used a more efficient way.
God has placed an unlimited inexhaustible supply of everything we need already on the inside of us. This supply is a source of living water and it contains God's life, beauty, grace, p...
Sometimes our emotions need a checkup or tune up.
Galatians 5 says the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self control. Many of these are emotions which means they have a spiritual root.
I believe the root that leads to a fruitful emotional state is our level of security in God's unfailing love for us and others. That he is present, willing, and able to help with anything we need.
How would we respond differently in life if we were very secure in the fact that God loves us and others, is with us and wants to help.
Here is what I believe our emotional standard should be...
Positive, grateful, peaceful, gentle, patient, hopeful, confident, decisive, encouraged, loving, and joyful consistently. And if something else pops up then we make quick adjustments.
This is our standard and life pushes our buttons to reveal areas of our hearts that need to be grounded and secured in God's love for us.
Here are some buttons that can ...
We are in a time of the year where it may seem like time is going by really quickly. This is a reminder that God has given us the ability to both speed up and slow down time. We need both the ability to slow time down by squeezing the most out of the moments we have while also accelerating our productivity and results.
God has given us control over how we experience time, but sometimes it can feel like certain things can take forever. You may find yourself asking...God, what's taking so long?
Sometimes we must wait because God is teaching us to trust him and other times we must wait because there is a perfect timing and if God did it too early it may create a problem.
However, assuming these are not the case here are some ways to accelerate results. These come from the Time Blueprint.
The first thing to understand about time is that time and space are one. Any improvement in positioning automatically changes how we experience time. The first key to positioning is having our pr...
The new book Pockets of Prosperity: God's Blueprint for Thriving Communities is now available on Kindle and the printed version should be available soon.
Pockets of Prosperity contains all of the practical strategies we use in the Abundant Life Blueprint for...
There is a section in the book on each of these areas.
The goal of a Pocket of Prosperity is not just prosperity for yourself but for the entire community around you.
Lately it seems like time is accelerating and moving faster. In the fall, it often feels like time is slowing down, but this is a time of year where time seems to move faster. The concept of time being able to speed up and slow down is a key element of what we teach in the Time Blueprint.
The key to thriving during accelerated time is what I call the 4 P's...Praying, Playing, Praising, and People. Last week God reminded me of an event we used to host at my gym called Play Like a Kid Again Day. During this day we played games like dodgeball, hopscotch, and double dutch jumprope. When was the last time you truly played like a kid?
Jesus said kids hold many of the secrets to the kingdom of God. Playing like a kid and having fun is a key to accelerating results and making today a masterpiece.
The Importance of Today
Legendary basketball coach John Wooden used to have a rule he lived by, which was to make every day a masterpiece. The concept of winning each day and making the most o...
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